Northeast FL, florida vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating

is a 66 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Northeast FL, florida
Veggie/vegan diet.
Hi! I'm passionate about animals and nature (individuals and rights issues), travel (lived in Japan and visited 22 countires), and writing (vocation-related and avocation.) My interests and activities are an eclectic blend: tennis, symphony chorus (rehearsing for an opera now!), biking, hiking, reading, dancing, yoga, music, exploring self-growth/awareness,and enlightenment. I possess a wacky sense of humor with an outgoing personality, but an introverted side. I recycled myself out of an MBA-ed corporate life to redirect my energies into my passions. I'm self-employed as a consultant/trainer/writer/editor, and I volunteer with animal groups.
Are you liberal, concious, and passionate? Do you love to travel and celebrate life? Do you have a streak of wanderlust and a philantrhopic spirit? If YES to any -- especially ALL -- that's great beginning!
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