Virginia: VA Vegetarians singles ads. VA vegan singles ads. VA raw food singles ads.
Cindy is a 45 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Richmon, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I believe that being good without god is a beautiful way to be.
And Vegan/Vegetarianism is a healthy way to treat your body, and it shows!
Casual dates=serious relationship/marriage
elizabeth is a 64 year old, Unitarian, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Eccentric, classy, intelligent, attractive; lover of oceans and mountains; psychotherapist by profession; a spiritual dancer; live with integrity; ACTIVE!!
Seeking: Happy, healthy physically and emotionally, lover of life; attractive and lean; financially stable; loyal and honest, with the ability to communicate in intimate relationships.
Orv is a 54 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Linville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I like living in the country living the good life on three and a half acres of hilltop with a great view of the mtns.
I enjoy 2 pet cats, riding mtn bike, swimming in mt dams,hiking to waterfalls and kayaking.
The land I live on is a NWF certified backyard wildlife habitat.
Would like to meet other vegs since none of my friends are veg.
Also enjoy rock collecting, organic gardening, doing yardwork, cooking and bird watching. I grow and sell Shiitake Mushrooms at the farmers market.
I've ecotoured in Costa Rica,Nicaragua,Canada,BC and Baja Mexico.
My house and land are paid off.
Meet me at the Wings Over Water Bird Festival in the OBX, I go there every year.
Seeking: Enjoys the good life of back to nature and biking, birdwatching and watching a spider spin a web, a bird build a nest,watching the songbirds at the feeder,listening to NPR ,taking a moonlit stroll looking for the creatures of the night,helping band owls in the fall, feeding hummingbirds.
Going to bird festivals like Wings Over Water at the OBX.
I live in the Blue Ridge mts and know all the hiking trails.
Give me a hollar if in this area and want to hike. I know all the local mountain trails.
EternitySunrise is a 33 year old, Agnostic / not religious, African Descent / Black female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Triangle, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Willing that one day two people will meet and understand their need to have one another in each other's life for companionship and partnership.
Seeking: Showing each other naked and bare, nothing except truth will be the rite-of-passage for their purposeful companionship.
Jim is a 66 year old, Unitarian, Caucasian / White male, 6' 4 /193cm with Slim build.
Living in Suffolk, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
True Gemini here, recently retired from a mechanical career managing people building machine tools that I like to temper with an appreciation of the arts and nature. Have traveled some, feel we all have more in common than difference. Have a satisfying career and financially set to my standards, not overly materialistic. I am a walker, bike rider, bird and animal watcher.
She should have a zest for every day common life and knows all the rest is just dessert. Doesn’t care what’s on TV. She would rather take a walk.
Dina is a 38 year old, spiritual, Hispanic / Latino female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
· I appreciate it when I meet someone and we are able to have meaningful, free-flowing conversation(s)... where we're both comfortable enough to be ourselves, and I leave feeling as though I truly got to know the essence of the person I just talked to
· Search my purse & you’ll always pull out a book. Right now, you’ll find “The Winner’s Circle” by Paulo Cohelo
· Thanksgiving Day is my favorite holiday (people tend to volunteer more & they are kinder to each other) + we all tend to be in a state of gratitude and focused on what we have vs. what we don’t have…if only EVERY day could be Thanksgiving!
· What will I be doing July 1st at 2:45pm? Watching the 2012 Eurocup final, of course! My prediction is Spain (my team) vs. Germany (who looks really good this year)
· Catch me at a Starbucks, & I’ll be ordering a tall Soy (sugar-free) Vanilla Chai (they are my weakness)
· I have a Shih-Tzu named Kai, and although he is 9 years old, he is still a puppy at heart
· Travel is a passion of mine (I get to do some travel for work and that keeps my wanderlust in check). My goal is to visit all man-made seven wonders by the end of 2015. I have 2 down (Machu-Pichu & Chichen-Itza) only 5 to go! Next on the list...India's Taj Mahal. Care to join me?
You're someone who has taken the time to figure out the kind of man you are and want to be. You have personal and professional goals that you're striving to accomplish. You are guided by a set of core values (preferably founded in Buddhism), that allow you to be confident in who you are and clear about what you are looking for in a partner/relationship. You consider yourself a happy guy who wants to focus on the positive aspects of life, and someone I can see myself having a friendship with....sharing moments of laughter, having intellectual conversation, or just sitting quietly with. Most importantly, you're a man I can grow to respect.
Stephen is a 42 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Slim build.
Living in Washington, Virginia, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a good natured, vegan, engineer with a passion for latin and flamenco music. I have bachelor of science degrees in computer science and electrical engineering. I work as a software developer. I have spent most of my life studying classical guitar and I very much enjoy playing classical, bossa nova, and flamenco. I like scuba diving, alpine skiing, backpacking, learning to fly planes, fencing and martial arts. I very much enjoy sailing and during the summers I am often sailing/racing on the Chesapeake Bay. I do volunteer work by working for animal rights and putting on an occaisional guitar show for a worthy cause.
Seeking: Someone who can live a compassionate vegetarian lifestyle with me. Someone who enjoys world travel, making a positive difference in the world, and who likes to laugh until it hurts.
falafel123123 is a 38 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Basically mainstream man living in Philadelphia. I enjoy travelling (Africa, S. America, etc...) and watching baseball. I work out regularly and enjoy going hiking (my longest being to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro). Happy lounging in my bed reading a good novel and I enjoy watching tv like Law and Order, The Simpsons, etc... I write during my spare time. I dislike the Hollywood hype. I am an ACTIVE animal rights activist.
A lady with a good heart (I've learned this is not that same as being sweet), who is politically and socially aware and loves to laugh and have fun.
Nancy is a 44 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Hi! I am a slim, redhead in Alexandria...very Irish looking with green eyes and long curly hair. I like to get dressed up in flashy clothes, sometimes, to go out at night and believe smelling good is VERY important! I love to try all kinds of ethnic foods. I like to travel, especially going to warm places to escape the cold in the winter. I love natural beauty like scenic drives and flowers in my garden, and helping and spending time with animals. I work full-time and am quite the self-sufficient single gal. Although my social calendar is never empty, I never give up on the one in a million chance of "clicking" with a vegan...what would be the odds??
Seeking: I am always looking to meet new vegan friends to do things with like cooking classes, volunteering and (veg) sushi runs! In looking for a special someone, that would be someone who is outgoing, funny, comfortable to be around yet unpredictable! Someone to tease me and bring me out of my shell and after that, know knows?
Rob is a 49 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I'm fun, funny, loving, caring, wild, intelligent, deep, wild, passionate, playful, silly, intense, active, compassionate and more. I love to dance, hike, read, write, travel, cuddle, talk, listen, bike, backpack, see movies, live music, spoken word, and just hang out with friends. Speaking of which, deep friendships are important to me. I love to be in Nature; it's the essence of my sense of Spirit. Hiking in the woods feeds my soul like nothing else. And if you hike with me you can be sure we'll be climbing the first huge oak tree we encounter. I also love to cook and eat ethnic food, and eat organic as much as possible. I love to travel, and have been to Africa, India, Nepal, Mexico and Europe. In 2003 I lived in Guatemala for eight months; I studied Spanish and volunteered in a public elementary school. I taught fifth grade for a few years, and was smart enough to leave before I completely burnt out. I just accepted a job as a pediatric ER nurse in DC and will be moving there from CA the first week of December.
Seeking: I'm attracted to women who are confident and down-to-earth. I want to meet a women who is passionate about Life, able to express her feelings, not afraid of a man expressing his feelings, loves Nature, speaks her Truth, and loves to play! My ideal partner loves children, animals, and Nature. She loves to kiss and cuddle, and is always wanting to deepen her connection between love, intimacy, sex and spirituality. This incredible goddess is as comfortable in a pair of jeans and hiking boots as she is ready for a night on the town (I prefer the jeans and hiking boots). She can make me laugh till I cry. And of course, she's crazy about me!!
asc434 is a 65 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and occasionally smokes.
I'm passionate about the treatment of animals, and have long supported animal-rights causes. For ethical reasons I became a vegetarian more than 30 years ago. I'm also what you'd call a news and political junkie; I've worked on political campaigns, and follow events closely on TV and the Internet. I'm a liberal Democrat.
I enjoy sports, both as a spectator (esp. baseball) and a participant. I work out with a personal trainer, and enjoy hiking, softball and tennis (though I haven't played in several years).
U.S. history is one of my passions, esp. Lincoln and the Civil War. One of the advantages of living in the Washington, DC, area is the ability to visit the many historical sites here.
I'm a person of integrity, and believe in dealing honestly with others. I have a sense of humor as well as a spiritual side, though I don't subscribe to a particular organized religion.
I'm looking for someone with values similar to mine. He should be well-educated (a minimum of a bachelor's degree is a must!), healthy, physically active, and enjoy following politics, as well as share my political views. Good grammar and spelling are also important. The writing displayed in one's profile tells a lot about how literate a person is.
He should also love animals (I have four cats but also love dogs).
Lisa is a 27 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I volunteer with a local animal rescue (I have 2 rescued cats) and I care about the environment and recycling and such. I'm also very social and love to go out and party/dance. I love country music (unfortunately) but Alternative is a close second. Most of my life I've had blue collar jobs (veterinary assistant...) and I am used to working hard and playing hard. I recently started at a better paying job, but it is farther away from my B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries.... ideally when the economy picks up I'd like to start a career out West as a wildlife biologist. (I understand hunting is an excellent population management tool but I want no part of that... I'm looking more for a career in preservation). For now I tend to enjoy donating my money and I am fairly low maintenance; low maintenance... not laid back ~ I like to be productive and outgoing.... I am not a chill person haha. I went to the Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, NY for a couple days at the end of October (2011) and I really loved it; I'm excited to go back this summer.
My general question when I meet someone is "what do you do that's not for yourself?" Sadly, I get a lot of crickets haha. A lot of the time I don't even mind if it's not overlapping with my interests... just finding someone that has even the tiniest bit of a selfless side has proven difficult in this city. But I count recycling or vegetarianism of some kind as a selfless act haha. I hope you have an outdoorsy/hiking/camping/exploring side and a social/drinking/dancing side. I hope you take care of your body, but I don't demand anything more than I present in my own body. I hate it when people demand hot girls/guys and they don't take care of themselve; you reap what you sow in your own body.
Dennis is a 39 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Franklin, Virginia, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I love to laugh and I love to have fun. I prefer to keep things simple, but I do like anything that smacks of exploration. I also love to be involved in any kind of romance, be it fun and games or outright sexual. My child is the most important thing in the world to me but I am also looking for a friend that I can have fun with. I'm okay with something getting serious and I am okay with something remaining not-so-serious. I am not interested in marriage.
I want to be with someone who is caring, funny, smart, beautiful, compassionate, passionate, and easy-going. No bitches. No sluts. No airheads. Someone who likes to have fun and who is capable of not sweating the small stuff while realizing that it's all small stuff.
Yeah, I know...I'm not asking for too much, right? LOL.
thomas is a 32 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in mclean, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol with dinner
and never smokes.
i believe in reincarnation and karma because i can occasionally see guides standing behind people or sitting in chairs etc. i can hear my guide communicating with me frequently. i practice reiki and meditation daily to stay connected to the divine. that is important because i need a partner who is interested in the workings of the non-physical worlds. a partner who asks the question who we are and what we do here.
i live very healthy... organic foods, strict vegetarian etc. i earn my money with classical music. i teach and compose. classical music is half my life i'd say.
i love canoeing, hiking, camping and observing animals. my sister is training her new dog and i help her - it's fascinating. i love listening to thunderstorms, open fires etc.
there's a snapshot ...
Seeking: someone who enjoys the things described above
Bruce is a 52 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White male, 5' 8 /173cm with Slim build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm down to earth, analytical, egalitarian, strong willed and passionate about the things that are important to me but open-minded and tolerant, energetic, youthful, and fun. I enjoy hiking and world travel, am very active in the abortion rights movement (volunteer-wise), and am a vegetarian (I've mostly dated non-vegetarians and don't care what you eat). I love music (Richard Thompson, Billy Bragg, folk, blues, much more, go to about 20 shows/year) and enjoy good conversation. I love high culture (foreign film like Truffaut, Fassbinder, Rohmer, Bunuel, more) and low culture (South Park). I'm a really good communicator, though I realize men are graded on the curve. I seem to relate well to women with a lot of male friends, possibly including some of their ex-boyfriends.
Seeking: You: smart, strong, open-minded, compatible sense of humor, good talker and listener, like time alone and time with others, down to earth, self-aware. At least once in a while you can tell me something I don't know or make me see something from a new perspective. Note: if you liked Bush, we probably won't be a good match. I volunteered a lot for Kerry and Obama and was pretty devastated in 2004 and happy in 2008!
Skye is a 63 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Savvy, adventurous, open-minded, stable, patient, tolerant, witty, possessing a fertile imagination and unafraid to use it. I am confident, happy to be me, enthusiastic about life and my future in it, and ever grateful to have a strong, resilient body that serves me well. I know what I want, believe wholeheartedly in my desires and dreams and although, I feel lonely at times without my partner, I embrace my loneliness, knowing it is more a state-of-mind than the truth of what is.
Me, Myself and I are an incurable optimist. We are dedicated to connecting with that one uniquely intriguing man who is simultaneously seeking his true love.
You are discerning, consistently upbeat, wise and deliciously irreverent. You value integrity, humor, intelligence, don’t need to use spell check, climb into bed at the end of the day with a satisfied grin. You eagerly anticipate meeting that one woman who will deftly lift you to higher ground, while recognizing the sacredness in the masterpiece that will unfold between you and I.
Janet is a 52 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Environmental professional (possibly too dedicated) with one child in college. Athletic, frequent the gym and study martial arts. Have traveled US extensively for work and pleasure, and some oversees; would love opportunity to do more. Mountains are a draw, but no more so than the coast of Maine. Love being out doors, good accoustic/rock/folk music, good (real) beer and have fun going on wine tours to explore the countryside.
Companion and friend, but not opposed to something more. Just not actively looking.
alan is a 58 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in newport, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am an introspective, curious, seeker. I have been a vegetarian for 30 years. My interests include gardening, folk music, Hindustani classical music, western classical chamber music, skiing, mysticism.
Seeking: Bright, gentle, fit, tranquil, rural,seeker of truth.
Ty is a 63 year old, spiritual, African Descent / Black male, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a outgoing, fun loving person, who is always positive! Music,books,photography,cooking,and festivals are a big part of my life! I also enjoy walking and doing Tai Chi, and meditation. Luv college town's!
Seeking someone who has similar interests. Someone who understands the power of the creator! Someone who is not afraid to explore new possibilities!
Ray is a 37 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 8 /173cm with Muscular build.
Living in Reston, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
It's up to others to judge me, but I think:
I'm laid-back, easy to get along with, love to laugh and love new life experiences. Compassionate to all living beings with a big heart. Have a lot of energy and happiness to share with people flavored with sense of humor. Very active and enjoy traveling whenever I can and being on or near the water as much as possible. Very goal-oriented. I do appreciate honesty and loyalty in others.
As an Engineer, I work for a consulting company in DC area.
Looking for: a Warm, educated, and loving girl who enjoys nature and life in general with high emotional intelligence. I would like to find a spiritual person who is true to herself and others and has the same positive outlook on life.
Please contact me only if you reside in the United States. I am paid member so if you think we are a good match, it will cost you only a wink. 
Looking for: a warm, educated, and loving girl who enjoys nature and life in general with high emotional intelligence. I would like to find a spiritual person who is true to herself and others and has the same positive outlook on life.
Please contact me only if you reside in the United States. I am paid member so if you think we are a good match, it will cost you only a wink. 
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ?
Anna_O is a 33 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Indian female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I have a great sense of humor and love to make people laugh.
I totally believe in the golden rule and karma! I'm a good person with values. What you see is what you get, as I'm not into playing games. I'm looking for a fun companion to have a good time with!
I working full-time, making sure I have time for the gym, tending to the house (I love a neat and clean place), most importantly spending time with family (especially my 2 spoiled nephews) and friends.
Seeking: I would like to meet someone who shares the same values and philosophy in life as I do. Of course it doesn't have to be exactly the same as a good debate is always fun too.
phytofemme is a 37 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Raw food diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I just relocated from DC to finish my undergrad in biology (environmental toxicology if the opportunity avails, which may mean a transfer to NC or CA). Excited to live near the mountains, breathe fresh air, run along the Rivanna, ride my bike everywhere, live a block from the farmer's market and have an enormous back yard fit for a king, a garden, and my dog. I'm excited to be in this quaint yet progressive town.
Above all, I am happy! I love to travel, explore and embark on new adventures, love to be outside taking in nature and enjoy biking, running, hiking, swimming in natural bodies of water, adventure races, kiteboarding and would love to get into climbing, kayaking and stand up paddleboarding. Staying in with my beau, making food and taking in a film is also quite nice. Being open-minded, understanding, giving, forgiving, and communicating clearly are qualities I value in myself and appreciate in others as well. I'm a blend of unconventional and old-fashioned and tend to keep things spicy not sleepy.
Books: Bhagavad Gita, Ishmael, Joseph Campbell, Abraham-Hicks, Ringing Cedars, various books on consciousness, spirituality, raw food, sustainability, plants, gardening, health
Music: Lily Allen, The XX, The Knife, Fever Ray, Bob Marley, Capleton, Pinback, Social Distortion, Neon Indian, Noah23, Bonobo, Ratatat, 80's, indie, Crystal Castles, Bassnectar, intelligent hip hop, Aseop Rock
Movies:Zeitgeist, Amalie, Food Inc, Forks over Knives, The Venus Project, I
Shows: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Battlestar Galactica
Food: Fresh spring water, all forms of cacao/chocolate, sprouts, avocados, hemp (seeds, milk, protein), honey, blueberries, almond butter, chia seeds, lots and lots of tea (tea lattes), kale, various greens, pretty much any organic fruit or veggie, kombucha, vegan steak & cheese from Spak Bros in PGH, anything spicy, Thai, Mexican, Indian, farmer's markets, annnnnnd durian!
The six things I could never do without:
:my dog
:organic raw food + fresh green juice
:awesome people
:my bike
I spend time thinking about:
A resource-based economy, sustainability, science, spirituality, traveling, school, the state of this planet (carrying capacity/degradation), creativity, love, having fun, haikus and living in a yurt (as a second home :).
I am honest, love to laugh and have fun (without alcohol), explore, reinvent myself, admit when I'm wrong (grow to be better), am empathetic, and enjoy every moment for what it is... would love a partner to share these same ideals.
outdoorsy1954 is a 58 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Muscular build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I seek a lover who is also my best friend. I aspire to seek truth, be honest, and to live the golden rule. I believe nature is to be revered and not conquered, that the current division of the planet between human and nonhuman habitats is badly out of balance, that people should be held responsible for themselves. Aside from being unconventional, I’m articulate, well mannered, affectionate, very tactile. I value simple living--I live 30 minutes from work (walk to metro), I bike 5 minutes to and from the gym in the morning, and I do errands on foot whenever possible. I enjoy vigorous daily exercise, hiking (day hikes & serious backpacks), bicycling (usually 30-50 miles), listening to music (mostly acoustical, but rock too), reading (mostly history and philosophy), movies at home, home maintenance projects, gardening, my cat, travel. I’m a bit of a loner, lately more than I’d like to admit. With regard to religion, I don’t pretend to know much. My intuition tells me that life has meaning that transcends the self and humankind.
Seeking: She loves animals and nature and thinks herself very much out of the norm in this regard. Working hard to get to a mountaintop to spend the night and gaze at the stars with me appeals to her, as does joining me on a bicycle tour in Europe. She works hard to keep herself healthy, slender, and fit. She believes in honesty and truth even when it hurts. Her primary source of fulfillment in a relationship is mutual understanding, empathy, and respect; and the intimacy to which that leads; not material comforts or status. She likes being touched, and likes touching just as much. She has natural wholesome looks (little makeup). She believes life has meaning that is not centered on humans.
Meredith is a 31 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I have a pretty active and busy life- I enjoy volunteering and meeting new people as well as going out with friends for drinks/dinner. I am not so much into the late-night bar hopping scene anymore but do like going out to more laid back places, and every once in awhile I enjoy a night out on the town. love to exercise and my body definitely craves it if I miss a few days in a row.
I have been vegan for three years for ethical, environmental and health reasons and it would be nice to meet someone who is vegan/vegetarian or at least who is understanding and comfortable with that lifestyle.
Seeking: I would like to meet someone who is fun to be around and easy going, with a good sense of humor. I think ambition is important too- that doesn't mean you need to make a lot of money or be extremely successful- just that you have goals that you are working toward and/or causes you are passionate about.
Susan is a 48 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Purcellville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Vegan cancer survivor, independent. Love music, cooking, gardening, reading, sewing. love animanls althought i dont have any at the momemt.
Physically fit, vegan, no kids, we can figure the rest out.
Jason is a 40 year old, Christian / other, non-specified male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Richmond (but in PGH at the moment), Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I have a couple of certifications in the "natural health" arena & used to consult 11th hour patients fed up with the medical system. Now I teach English in Saudi Arabia and various other parts of the universe (including the virtual realm). :) I am mainly vegan and eat alot of raw food, where diet is concerned & I'm thoughtful about what I put in my body-- I'm not ruled by my stomach. ;) I'd love to have a farm in Ecuador or Brazil one day... I'm an intellectual & love good, deep conversations.
I'm not your typical jock. I like taking a thought to it's logical conclusion & then investigating how that should affect my life. Often, I then make changes. If I can't (and that's never due to a lack of self-discipline-- a got heaps!), I make PLANS to make those changes. One of those changes is to start living off of the land... to try to gain some independence from this warped system that is so material & phony money-centered. Family & spiritual things ought to be our focus, simplicity our motto. I've always been an outdoors kind of person... many-sided with a rich soul & varied interests. Seriously, how does anybody do this in 1050 words or less!!?? You're just going to have to contact me! :D
But you were already going to anyway... how could you resist, right? ;-)))
Seriously... best of luck to you here!
Someone who is free to think (not pressured to come to a certain conclusion) and strong enough to live what she believes. She can be shy but she must be warm. She should have a zest for life that can be seen by the sparkle in her eyes and her big toothy smile! She should also have a quiet, tender, intimate side (if we wanna talk about the "perfect" girl!). She should like physical affection and thought-provoking conversation and know how to say and accept "I'm sorry's" and "I was wrong's" and not hold grudges. :) She should want to grow and be better and to want have a partner who can be a part of this process and who wants her in his world. She should want kids... :)))
Susanne is a 45 year old, spiritual, African Descent / Black female, 5' 7 /170cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Newport News, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am passionate about health and fitness, spiritual but not religious. I love to travel, and attend festivals and concerts.
Seeking: Seeking someone for companionship, conversation, and culture.
Tranquil is a 36 year old, spiritual, African Descent / Black female, 5' 6 /168cm with Curvy build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm an eclectic, outgoing, intelligent Goddess who appreciates honesty and being true to oneself...whatever that looks like for you.
A King who is comfortable in their own skin.
Brent is a 45 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Falls Church, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
5'9",150, blue eyes, reddish brown hair. Live in West Falls Church near metro. Laid-back, introspective, politics/news junkie. Some of my regular activities are tai chi, learning guitar, exercising & dancing. I've tried many dance styles (jazz, ballet, salsa, jazz, Scottish, contra, cajun..) and I'm looking for partners to go to places like Glen Echo. Also enjoy cooking, art/foreign films, mystery novels, museums,jazz/blues,coffee/tea houses,nature walks,thrift shops. Love spicy food,warm climates. Good sense of humor(slightly dry, offbeat). Well published PhD researcher for fed govt.
Would like to meet vegetarians or vegans 37-47 with similar interests. Thanks for looking. Have a splendid day!
zenjazzdancer is a 66 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Average build.
Living in Vienna, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Work as a web applications programmer. Enjoy performing music (jazz, swing, standards, rock, blues, folk) walking, biking, swing dancing, meditating, techno-shamanism, making videos, taking photographs, petting animals.
Seeking: Seeking partner to learn and practice swing dancing, perform music, walks, meditation, make videos, photography, biking, friendship, affection. I like learning and doing new things; what do you know and do that I don't yet?
Karen is a 55 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Norfolk, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm vegan primarily because of animal rights, but also for health, environmental, and humanitarian reasons. I lean toward raw foods but am not strict about that. I work in the animal protection field and have five dogs. I communicate well and am willing to work hard on a relationship. I'm easily entertained and enjoy simple pleasures. I love singing, practicing holistic medicine, and speaking foreign languages (that was my field of study).
I'm looking for a man who appreciates and respects animals, has a compassionate heart, a sense of humor, the ability to communicate well, a logical mind, and a positive attitude and is free of addictions. I'm looking for honesty, loyalty, enthusiasm, intelligence, and affection. Big pluses include musical or foreign language ability and a strong desire to help others.
Jeremy is a 33 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Hi, I am checking this out, because there are so few Vegetarians out there, it's hard to find one! So here is a bit about me: Soft-spoken, typically friendly ;) Eco-friendly (bike / bus / or use Zip-Car when I need a car). Computer professional. Intellectual type, plays chess, reads books, solves puzzles, hates TV with a passion. Music: Anything I think sounds good really. Enjoys working out, yoga outdoors, skiing, hiking, finding wild foods.
Don't drink or party,...
Active in Vegan volunteering, donate money to Vegan causes.
So I am looking for the following, some one to go to dinner with or generally hang out that is Veg / Vegan.
Krista is a 20 year old, 7th Day Adventist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 1 /155cm with Average build.
Living in New Market, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates.
Almost veg diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
My name is Krista... I grad. June 12th 2010, from Manassas Park High School..
I have a dog and his name is Rex.. and hes a loving and caring dog..
i love to be around my family... i love my grandma and my mom the most.... i love to go horseback riding.. i love sports.. i like to hunt fish fourwheeling and JUST HAVE FUN
A man who is loving and loves to hang out and have fun
Alex is a 22 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Bealeton, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and occasionally smokes.
Hey I'm Alex. I've been vegan for almost 2 years. Some things I like: punk rock, traveling, going off the beaten path, graffitti, not giving money to corporations, outdoor stuff. I like to do my own thing without caring what anyone thinks and living each day like theres no tomorrow. Say hi
I'm looking for someone who is a vegan and lives a similar lifestyle as myself.
highwaltercontent is a 48 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 1 /185cm with Slim build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Late Bloomer in many ways...well I am a little of many things. I am in introvert but I can entertain a crowd pretty well actually. I can make you laugh-I am a quick thinker. I am masculine energy/initiator so in that vein I am better matched up with a feminine energy feeling/sensual type whose feelings I can cherish above my own while I work on being a good decider of what I need to do.
Quick facts:I like comedies on tv probably too much. I enjoy conversation and ideas. I have big plans that are all in my head about how to help a lot of people someday. I am trying to act on those a little here and there. I like drums and rock and roll very much and have quite a passion for music and dance. I feel kind of nauseated when i see the way animals r treated at the meathouses. I am a believer in financial literacy & I see a lot of pain in the world from ignoring the facts about money.
PLZ DON'T ONLY PUSH THE FAVORITE BUTTON! Because it will be anonymous and I won't know who you are UNLESS YOU WINK AT ME!! SO GO AHEAD & WINK PLEASE!
Seeking: Well lets see I need a lady who is ok with my silliness and my logical mind that is a little much sometimes! I really like dark eyes and dark hair doesn't hurt either! I would say a woman who is not afraid of herself physically either her health or her eating or her sexual connection to herself would be very nice. I know that is asking a lot as there are a lot of fine ladies working on those very issues but a boy can dream a little right? I am working on those very issues myself.
I have to say I find foreign women very intriguing as they have had to learn so much to be here. They see to know how good we have it here in the USA & are grateful for what freedoms we have that others do not.
letchi is a 50 year old, spiritual, African Descent / Black male, 5' 10 /178cm with Muscular build.
Living in woodbridge, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am interested in advancement in financial ,spiritual and physical.. what to speak of mental aspects of life.
I also enjoy dancing and interacting with people.
I was born in Aruba and still maintain the pleasant, life is a beach attitude. Don,t worry just be happy!
Seeking: Exciting, lean but not mean team player!
Stephanie is a 27 year old, spiritual, non-specified female, 5' 4 /163cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I think my interests describe me pretty well :)
I enjoy traveling, art, language, history, cooking, hiking, learning, music, running, camping, photography, nature, children, yoga, reading, writing & life in general.
Seeking: Someone genuine, passionate and empathetic. A thinker.
Think we could have a nice time together? Let's!
IammeURU is a 61 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Spiritual being, kind heart, gentle manner, open mind in search of humanness. Working on book. Feminine/soft yet assertive & forthright. Flexible, difficult to put in a box and label. Passionate about life learning. Ph.D. psychology/ed; petite; elegant/graceful or casual/informal; eclectic; climb mountain, swim laps, dance a marathon; read a book, garden, dine with kings, serve soup kitchens: quiet/reserved charismatic; alone driving across the country for months, speak at conventions: Courage, tenacity, opinionated, self-assured, integrity, honesty, forthrightness; living in present moment passionately; making this a better world. Innovator; holistic health, environmentally friendly enterprise, NGO, retrain educators, radio program, raised six children who are grown. Country life suits. Overcome serious illness and tragedy and found forgiveness, love, peace, compassion, a joy and love for life. Adversaries are always teaching something. LIFE is constant schooling. Surviving the wind, rain, storm, volcanoes to find the rainbows.
Seeking: Someone who is unthreatened by an intelligent, passionate and forthright woman. Unmarried, romantic, gentle, kind, in search of self-realization, esthetic; creative or artistic; strong family man, children/animals, sensitive, passionate, emotionally courageous and mature, Renaissance man.
Melanie is a 34 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Slim build.
Living in King George, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am an outgoing, hopelessly optimistic, classy-yet-fun-loving person with many interests and hobbies. I am part of a community theatre group and a volleyball league. I travel fairly often for work, and I go to the gym 4-5 times on a normal week. I also love to sing (read; recovering karaoke addict) and dance, but I don’t find myself enjoying the bar scene as much as I did a few years ago. While I still enjoy the occasional night on the town, I prefer game night with friends, hosting dinner parties at my house and organizing friendly, low-key get-togethers.
I'm very happy with my life, and happy with who I am. I'm self-sufficient (i.e. I'm not looking for a guy to take care of me - rather, someone I can share interests or activities with and grow close to).
Seeking: I'm ready to be swept off my feet by an intelligent gentleman who can make me laugh, who can become my best friend, and who can hold his own in any conversation; someone who can challenge me, who can be decisive, is capable of planning an evening or outing, and who is not intimidated by my outgoing character, profession, or multitude of hobbies.
I’m looking for someone who will never stop trying to win me over, even once he already has…
Additionally, I would prefer to date someone close to my own age with a similar lifestyle and a 9-5 type work schedule (but schedule is not necessarily a deal-breaker).
connie is a 59 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Slim build.
Living in pearisburg, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a happy, independent person who enjoys life. I like to travel & also enjoy the simple pleasures of life such as appreciating the natural beauty that surrounds us every day. I have an animal sanctuary where I have several rescued animals.
Seeking: I looking for a partner that I am attracted on a mental & physical level; someone who has a deep respect for animals & would never eat them.
Jordan is a 26 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 5 /196cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Williamsburg, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
New to this site, hi!
Seeking: Looking for the right person
Amanda is a 25 year old, Christian / Protestant, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Williamsburg, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm sort of a little bit of everything. I like to do what makes me happy and I think that it's always important to share your blessings with others. I love being outside and enjoy running and I love to travel and do so as often as possible. I'm always looking for my next big adventure and love when I can incorporate my new experiences with helping others.
Family and friends are extremely important to me and there is little I wouldn't do for them.
Seeking: I'm looking for someone who values family and friends as I do, enjoys trying new things, travelling, and has a big heart (for more than just those closest to them). I would love someone to talk to and to learn from and with.
Jonathan is a 21 year old, Christian Baptist, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in barboursville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Im a runner, last year while i was station in south Korea, I was part of the Seoul flyers marathon team, i could not run all the races i wanted to, with my work schedule, but I met a lot of outstanding people and am still in contact with the majority of them. i hope to try out for the armies’ Marathon or ten miller team later in my career.
i really love to read. all the classics;(James Fennimore cooper, jack london(favorite), hermin melville, a little shakespeare, robert louis stevenson, tolstoy, twain, jules verne) but i really read anything that catches my imagination. tea cups of tea for instance was amazing. a walk in the woods, into thin air, the heart and the fist, into the wild
music, my favorite has to be the john butler trio, but really anything you can really jam to; Bob Dylan, the rolling stones, Ben Harper, Avett bros., Xavier Rudd , jack Johnson, Robert Randolph, dirty heads. I can play a little guitar and banjo.
i enjoy runnin , SCUBA diving, swimming, biking, hiking, traveling etc. im pretty outdoorsy.
Seeking: if your actually reading this, i commend you, anyway I interested in a strong woman; someone who can take care of herself and cares about her physical well being, preferably an Athlete. Im really looking someone who enjoys the outdoors and getting out and experiencing the world.
not much of a bar or club guy, looking for someone the same. While all my friends where off getting wasted in the barrack and spending all their money as they got it, I was off exploring South Korea, living the culture, and making the most of my time there.
Grace is a 59 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a caring and thoughtful person, a gentle soft-spoken woman. I am sincere, non-materialistic and like to live simply. I live with a 14-year-old son and 2 adopted dogs. At times I share my home with other assorted animals as I do wildlife rehabilitation, so come spring you may find orphaned baby squirrels in the bathroom, or young opossums in my guest room. I like discovering new things and places--I love traveling and movies. I'm an armchair activist for environment and animal protection causes. I volunteer at my local animal shelter. I love to observe nature - whether it's a flock of birds in flight or a rabbit darting across the street.
Seeking: I would like to meet someone with similar values, someone who is kind and nonjudgmental, someone with intellectual curiousity and varied interests, and humor! Someone who likes to cook would be great. Someone who enjoys kids, especially a bright 14-year old boy. Someone to laugh with and who can express their feelings. Someone who is flexible, open-minded and honest.
Amy is a 34 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 11 /180cm with Tell you later build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am a 32 year old female who moved to the DC area 7 years ago, initially, for Grad School. After finishing school, I decided to stay in the area and about a year ago, I moved to Fairfax and LOVE it! I am originally from Pittsburgh PA. YES im a steelers fan :) But no worries, i play well with fans of other teams. I am a naturally inquisitive person, and when someone intrigues me and i want to know more, I will ask questions. I am a communicator so you will most often not be left to wonder how i feel or what i think. However, there is a time and place for that and I am respectful when communicating how i feel. It is imperative that my "match" also be a communicator because I do not like feeling as if I have to read your mind.
Seeking: My "match" would be someone who can challenge me and keep me on my toes. I am a very open person and would love to spend time with someone who also feels that way and has a sense of spontaneity. I love road trips (even last minute ones). To me its about the company i share, not what im doing that makes it a good time.
I love people who smile often! To me, there isnt anything better than being with someone who has a beautiful smile and who uses it often. Laughter is so important.
Jason is a 30 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 3 /191cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Sterling, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I love doing things outdoors. Camping and hiking are two of my favorite activities. I've been riding my bike and exercising more to get in better shape, and very much enjoy riding. I am a vegan as well, and try to minimize any negative impacts in the world.
I work for a small company writing software. I am also the system administrator for the company. I like figuring out how things work, but at the same time watching things happen and just marvel at them.
Seeking: I would like to find someone with similar interests in outdoor activities and similar tastes in music, movies, or other forms of entertainment. I am pretty far left-leaning politically, and would like to find a like-minded partner. Someone independent that can survive by themselves, but at the same time someone who wants to be around me as much as possible.
Bjeans is a 65 year old, Unitarian, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Vienna, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am about to be retired and available to do lots of new things. My list is growing. Looking forward to all that is available to do or try. Would like to fine someone to share experiences. I am self sufficient, in good health and plan to live to be 100+. I have two daughters nearby and they are providing me with grandchildren that create much joy and fun activities. I love to paint, read, travel, dance, wander museums, listen to live music, attend theater, ballet and opera. You name it and I will go. No one seems to be worried that I will get bored in retirement since they all know I just like to do things. I read the Weekend Section of the Post every Friday to see what new exhibits, shows or events happen to be going on. The greater DC area never fails to provide something to do.
Seeking: Looking for someone to share the adventures of life. It is just more fun when you share it. I am looking for someone close to my age, in good health that is honest and trustworthy. I expect to find a partner that understands the give and take of life and can negotiate and compromise. Sometimes I get my way and sometimes he gets his way.
David is a 20 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White male, 6' 5 /196cm with Muscular build.
Living in Ashburn, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
fruit based vegetarian
Seeking: pref outdoorsy, 80 10 10er
Lynn is a 42 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Richmond, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Loves animals,vegan dining, learning random new stuff, music, art, gardening, being outdoors....
Currently in graduate school which makes dating kind of hard. It would be so nice if the person I was dating lived in Richmond but it's not essential. I'm more in want of someone who lives the vegan lifestyle.
Seeking: Someone 35-45 preferably that enjoys reading. Someone that has a positive opinion of public education. Probably a Democrat or an Independent. Chemistry has to be there but I can't define that.
Michelle is a 30 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
There are hardly any vegetarian, animal lovers where I live! I'd like to have someone to laugh with while helping wildlife, feral/stray cats, and enjoying nature.
Seeking: If you have an imagination, are witty/unpredictable, and love/care to understand animals and also stand up for what's right, believe in true justice.
Robert is a 34 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 6' 1 /185cm with Average build.
Living in Manassas, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
My friends would say that I am nice, friendly, generous, adventurous, spontaneous, active, fun and funny.... If you don't believe me, become my friend and see for yourself : )
For work (legal field) one would never know that I have the above character traits as I usually am bringing bad news to people's doorstep so they are not always happy to see me.. thus I have to maintain a strong, forceful attitude.. below that I'm a teddy bear that you can cuddle with all night long : )
During the summer you will find me at my beach house in OC most weekends.. big beach bum here. I'm also big into hopping in the car for road trips.
Seeking: I'm pretty easy to please. Most importantly I want a health conscious vegetarian girl. If you're a beach bum like me, lets do this!
Wholesum is a 47 year old, spiritual, Indian male, 5' 8 /173cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in McLean, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I aim to be
- kind
- respectful
- appreciative
- affectionate
- financially stable.
Like to
laugh, listen, learn, explore, connect.
Yoga, travel, massage, hiking, kayaking, skiing, reading, movies.
science, biology, environment
history, archaeology, anthropology
economics, finance
health, food, exercise
Seeking: Looking for someone who is
- generous, positive, warm
- emotionally stable (no drama)
- wants to travel and live abroad
- financially sensible (not into debt, retail therapy)
- has the flexibility and perseverance to build a long-term relationship.
Work: my job takes me to a different country every 2-3 years. Wherever I am posted, I travel around that region, exploring the area, sights, monuments, people, history, traditions, culture, etc. I am looking for someone who would like to join me in this adventure.
Erin is a 29 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 4 /163cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I hate filling these things out, I feel conversations in person are far more interesting.
However, I suppose I'll elaborate a little:
I love being active and would love a partner who could keep up with me. I'm just getting into doing marathons (looking for a good half to register for sometime in spring!). Love being outdoors, but also enjoy staying in and watching movies or marathons of Entourage or other good shows.
I love to cook and bake! When stressed you can either find me outside running or in the kitchen baking up a storm.
Anything else I'll leave for in person convos! ;-)
Seeking: Someone who shares some of my interests, but also has their own. Do NOT want someone who is like a magnet. I like together-ness but I also love my independence as well. Having seperate hobbies leaves more room for wanting the other person just that much more.
Carolina Gal is a 28 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Curvy build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am an liberal, witty, vegetarian Southerner who has lived in the DC area for a little over four years. I work at an elementary school and I absolutely love my job. My "dream guy" is Stephen Colbert (he's the best of both worlds: a dorky, good looking guy with a sickeningly dry sense of humor!). I love to laugh, I love to help people, and I love to learn new things. I'm very inquisitive and concerned with world events, especially those involving women's rights. I love to travel and find great pleasure in reading just about anything I can get my hands on.
Seeking: I would like to meet someone I can have intellectual conversations with and someone who isn't afraid to make light of themselves. I would also like to meet someone who loves the outdoors, is intrigued by international cuisine, and who enjoys roller coasters as much as going to a great museum exhibit or a concert.
Sal is a 34 year old, Buddhist, Asian male, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Mclean, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
The greatest experiences in life are always more enjoyable when shared with someone special. I'm basically looking for someone with whom to share these experiences.
I have a great job analyzing what goes on in the world, and I teach martial arts on the weekends. For down time I like to watch foreign movies and read all sorts of different stuff. I also dig things like hiking, hanging out at the Smithsonian, and traveling (both locally and abroad). I have a lot to offer, so I'm looking for the same.
In case you were wondering, my family is from Sri Lanka, an island off the southern tip of India.
Seeking: I'm looking for someone educated, who knows how to carry on a conversation, likes to go on random adventures, dancing, veggie dinners, and various cultural events. Compassionate, gentle, and kind are words you would use to describe yourself. I find drive and motivation to be very attractive, so knowing who you are and what you want is important.
I'm looking for either like-minded friends or a serious relationship (or a friendship that can build into a relationship), but I'm not in the market for a casual hook-up/fling.
andrea is a 64 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Petite build.
Living in richmond, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
i like spiritual mind folks enjoy exercise, out door activities , bird watching, learning new raw living foods,
Seeking: healthy fit vegan non smoker, lay back, likes to travel
captainamazing is a 32 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Slim build.
Living in washington dc, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
master of dragons
Seeking: .
. my dragon?
ldreamgirl is a 43 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Slim build.
Living in Lynchburg, Virginia, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Light hearted, generous with love and kindness. Enjoy quiet nature, healthy food, laughter, friendship, my children's love and the practice of servitude. Other qualities are: genuine, honest, good sense of humor, heart touching, presence, artistic and nurturing
Seeking: Strength, loving, kind, caring, funny, honest, warm and very, very funny. I love to laugh. Authenticity is most important with an open, loving heart
Denise is a 41 year old, Christian / other, African Descent / Black female, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Tappahannock, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
In addition to being veganish, I am also animal-friendly and environmentally conscious. Also, I enjoy sports and play ice hockey regularly. There are so many things I like doing that I can't possibly list them all here, but a few include museums, plays, modern dance, live music, cultural events, etc.
Seeking: I neither have nor want children, and I would like to find a guy that feels the same way. The abilities to eat with chopsticks and watch movies with subtitles are preferred, but not necessary.
Sarah is a 30 year old, Agnostic / not religious, African Descent / Black female, 5' 4 /163cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and occasionally smokes.
Hey, thanks for hitting up my page. Im a Haitian-American woman, and a Tech Coordinator in a public school. Im going to school for my Ph.D. Personality-wise, Im pretty laid back...can be very silly though. Im all about having good clean fun :)
Seeking: Im looking for a man who is kind and honest above all else. My perfect partner would have a good heart, a good relationship with his family, and be comfortable in his own skin. He would be at a point in his life where hes ready to take relationships seriously. Messing around is cool and all, but Im looking for something that has the potential to develop into something.
Physically, I dont have much of a type. There are no automatic deal-breakers here. But its an added bonus if you go to the gym. At times, I can be a gym rat, so I like somebody whos able to keep up. This is not code for "you have to be all cut up." I mean it literally. If you go to the gym at all, thats added points with me.
movielvrMichelle is a 45 year old, Christian / Protestant, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Full-figured build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I enjoy sunny days and snowy ones. I like many kinds of music, especially classic rock and folk. I sing and play a little piano and guitar. I'm a school psychologist, I love my job and work hard. I live in a city, but work in a rural district. I enjoy working with adolescents in a one-on-one setting and getting to know more about how they learn. I like being able to solve the puzzle of why they're not successful in school, and what we may be able to do to assist them. Collaborating with teachers and parents is also very rewarding. I also like other puzzles like sudoku, jigsaw and crossword. I enjoy movies and feel grateful to live in a town that has its own film festival. I love my family and visit my nephew as often as I can; he is 5 and very fun! I grew up in the suburbs of DC and loved having friends from many different countries. I have traveled in 49 of the 50 states. I enjoy getting to see the beauty of our country up close. Hawaii is the only state left, and I am determined to get there soon.
Seeking: I am looking for someone to talk with, to spend time with, and to get to know. I am looking for a partner in life. I am looking for someone who will laugh with me and has a great time just talking.
Eternal Sunshine is a 33 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Slim build.
Living in Richmond, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I like to take things apart, improve on them, and put them back together. I like to stand in awe of you. My favorite music is the beat of your heart.
I'm caring, laid back, curious about everything, and have a heart of gold. I've been vegan for 12+ years and though I don't try to identify with it as a definition of me I'd like friendship / relationship with someone who is at least veg friendly.
I try to live with self sufficiency in mind and am in the process of buying land in the mountains to grow, build, live, love, and cry on. Looking for my partner in non-crime that believes our basic world system is based upon violence, destined to fail, and ready to start that new world.
Keywords: diy, architecture, green building, renewable energy, gardening and cooking, activism, being outdoors, camping, mycology, music, EDM, spirituality, martial arts, hiking, yoga, bbc radio1, annie mac's mashup, traveling, logic, compassion, consciousness, indigenous rights/issues, natural rights
Seeking: I am looking for out-going fun friends to share life adventures with. Anything from friends to long term partners. What I can give: anything from a friend to bounce ideas off of, to giving you a massage, to building you a house, to changing your oil (or replace your batteries if you drive an EV/Hybrid :), to being a shoulder to cry on, to writing you a poem. What I am looking for: someone open to giving of themselves to the world. I'm not perfect and neither should you be.
If you know what Orbital's One Perfect Sunrise is - bonus points!
M is a 57 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in Oak Hill, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Open-minded, intelligent working woman with one teenager left at home. Not religous but a meditator with a spiritual side. I am very healthy, slim and a happy person.
Seeking: Attractive, kind man who is compassionate, non-judgemental, financially responsible and has a great deal of personal integrity. While it would be great if he is vegetarian, vegan or raw vegan, it would be enough if he were open to and accomodating of the way I eat.
nelson/AVATAR1 is a 48 year old, spiritual, Mixed male, 6' 4 /193cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in virginia beach, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
i'm a raw foodist and a vegaterian...i eat only organic foods....i'm a extremely health conscious person....i'm a very athletic/fit person who works out daily....i'm looking for the interests r taste in music varies...majored in fine arts....grew up in nyc...experienced/luv culture...i enjoy date'n....meeting new people.....enjoy going out....luv life...and all tht it has to offer....i'm honest and trustworthy...always truthful...a half full glass of milk type of guy....forever an optimist....not hung up in the past....luv being in luv...and all it's splender tht it has to offer....ultimately i want wht we all want....someone to take this journey w/me.....btw by no means does this define all of me....
Seeking: looking for like people/person
bedofviolets is a 27 year old, other / not disclosed, non-specified bi-female, 5' 6 /168cm with Curvy build.
Living in Springfield, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Very Piscean, sometimes like a Scorpio. A new operating room nurse who hopes one day to do the surgery herself and pretty sharp with science and math, but I have always been artistic and make beautiful things as often as I can.
Not cocky, confident.
I like to relax but have a hyper streak, friendly but value sincerity over schmoozing. Can come off as serious and pensive but the right person makes me silly. I am politically moderate, as there is very little out there of which I am convinced 100%, and conservatism and liberalism get no exception. I dream sweetly.
Seeking: I want to meet you if you are not complacent, a determined and energetic person...someone who might outdo me and beckon me to follow. Nice people don't finish last with me...that used up indie attitude is played out. People who can appreciate a girl who, while attractive, is kind of a geek sometimes. That's me. I am not truculently taken but I am only officially looking for friends. A good friend is hard to find and I have kept in touch with the best whom I've met everywhere and in moments common and absurd. I am hellbent against the postmodern mindset and will find others who are onto a way apart.
Few who saw me sitting there would suspect.
Nancy is a 53 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Average build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
My spirituality is central in my life. I love deep and rich conversations, connection with people and animals and nature. I am very loving, caring, giving, fun, and very self-aware. I am a psychiatric research nurse, psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher. I am creative and love reading, learning and growing,dancing, singing, movies, adventure, traveling, being active and staying healthy.
Seeking: A man whose spirituality is central to his life (with a primarily Buddhist focus), is honest, kind, compassionate, affectionate, self-aware, feels his feelings, can share at a deep and rich level, intelligent, fun, respectful, and makes a great best friend and intimate partner.
Kartik is a 40 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Indian male, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am an astronomer working at Caltech -- my research interests are mostly in the field of galaxy formation and evolution. I absolutely love what I
do but often feel that the secret reason for my professional choice is because it allows me to travel the world and explore :) My only remaining continent is Antartica :) In the past year I was in India, Tibet, China and Ecuador ;)
I have been a veggie all my life and now nearly vegan. My other passion besides exploring and world (and the Universe), is social justice / public service. I believe that we can and should leave the planet a better place than we found it. I spend a significant amount of time doing volunteer work - as a violence prevention specialist for a peace organization and in various capacities for my undergrad alma matter and for the community (in regards to some environmental / eco- issues). For fun - besides all my travels, I love to just be outdoors, play sports, see movies, have dinners with friends - all the usual
stuff I guess :)
Seeking: I am looking for someone who is intellectually super-curious - interested in learning and discovering new things - someone who is interested in exploring the world and all it has to offer with me. If you are prone to "let's do it" spur of the moment adventures, we will have a great time together :) I also would love to be with someone who wants to give back to the community and the planet.
Marissa is a 32 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 1 /155cm with Petite build.
Living in Haymarket, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am down to earth type of person, who enjoys out door activies. I love art and eating healthy.
Seeking: Looking for a gentleman who is emotionally stable and ready for a commitment. Must like children, fun to be around, like outdoor activities and have a strong appreciation for the arts. Looking for an open minded individual who enjoys learning new things.
Chino is a 40 year old, spiritual, Hispanic / Latino male, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am creative, communicative, spiritual, calm, friendly, fun, rational and any other characteristic for Aquarius males you may find on the Internet. I have been a vegetarian for nearly 20 years, I like cooking but also enjoy dining out when it is about trying something new. I am a big music fan who can spend several hours a day listening to my own music collection. I also like to go to concerts as much as I can. I work out 2 or 3 times a week and try to keep a healthy lifestyle.
Seeking: Looking for someone with similar values and interests. Someone who is as serious as I am about vegetarianism.
Nanda is a 41 year old, Hindu, Indian gay male, 5' 8 /173cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am originally from India, was born and raised in India. I like out-doors, love to visit places filled with nature, try to be active, cooking is one of my pass time favorite. I also enjoying music, reading, hiking, biking, swimming and like to entertain people.
Seeking: I would like to connect with single gay men for friendship and/or dating. I really don't have a lot to say about the person I would like to meet, and I want to keep an open mind.
greeniebean is a 34 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Richmond, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Happily vegan since December 2004. I love it and don't see myself ever going back to dairy again (and meat has been out of the question for years!). I am involved in dog rescue and adoption, and have recently begun some work promoting awareness of veganism. I am very interested in intentional communities and am in the process of learning about alternative energy and green building. I'm in the mood for a career change, but I'm not sure what that will be yet. I am a silly, silly person. Intelligent, but silly, I love to laugh. You can't keep me off the dance floor, even if I do get a little chaotic out there at times. Companion animals are a very important part of my life, as are my friends and family. I love being outdoors, hiking, camping, or swimming in the river. I also have an affinity for muscle cars, chocolate, singing (badly), and long, long, long walks in the city.
Seeking: I'd like to meet someone who likes me the way I am, and I want to like them as is too. I like to share my daily activities and common interests with my partner. At the same time, I do like to have time to do things on my own or with friends. Ideally I'd like to be involved with another vegan, or at least a vegetarian. It's really pretty impractical to describe who you're seeking though...I think you don't really know that until you find them!
Liz is a 38 year old, other / not disclosed, non-specified female, 5' 6 /168cm with Slim build.
Living in Manassas, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol with dinner
and never smokes.
I'm a poet and musician in the Northern Virginia area. I also like to write short stories, paint, and take pictures.
I'm a relatively new vegan, but am dedicated to it completely.
Spiritually speaking, I'm very interested in the workings of different belief systems, especially Buddhism and Wicca. I read and research a lot about them both and have a very open mind when it comes to the subject of faith.
Looking for dates and new friends :)
Seeking: Men age 30 to 40 who have similar interests, like the outdoors, are vegetarian/vegan and who are kind and open minded.
Amy is a 41 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Richmond, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Soft hearted but level headed, vegetarian/mostly vegan involved in animal welfare from volunteering with local organizations to running my own non profit animal rescue and website in my spare time. I have a positive attitude about life and try my best to put a positive spin on every situation and hope to leave the world a better place, if even just slightly so. Sometimes that's hard but then you just have to laugh. If you can't laugh at yourself or life in general it's too bad. I am concerned about the carbon impact we have on this planet and whether we can repair the damage we have done. I love dogs - well, I love well behaved dogs. I have two, one 13 year old pit bull and one 2 year old pit bull. Jack the two year old is in training he has his CGC and his TT but he still jumps on me and acts like a nut. I have two cats, one 8 and one 2 (male/female). The girl cat is a rescue that never found a home. I've been in Richmond three and a half years and just purchased a house so I'm finally settled and would like to stay.
Seeking: Someone open minded with a positive attitude about life. Someone who enjoys what they do and can find pleasure in living the life they have. I would like to meet someone compassionate and caring and above all, kind. Someone who loves animals. Someone who doesn't mind that I like tattoos. I have four (technically six but number six is covering one and two) well placed ones but may not stop there. I don't mind body art on a guy, maybe not facial art : )
Vegangirl is a 34 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 1 /155cm with Curvy build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm a fellow vegan. I also am a social worker. This makes me a pretty liberal person. I have worked and lived abroad. I love learning about other cultures and religions. I am open-minded and love to laugh!
Seeking: You:
- kind
- open minded
- and funny!
- other?
Look forward to chatting with you!
Pam is a 31 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 3 /160cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am a young, active vegetarian woman in the greater DC area who loves to run, do yoga, read, watch movies, play with my cats, and ponder my greater purpose in life. I can be really silly, but seriousness has equal merit in my life. Making me laugh goes a long way. I love being held and pg-13 PDAs don't bother me. I love being outdoors, especially in the fall. I am a professional baseball and football junkie. New England sports fan need not apply ;) I'll try almost anything once, although it might take a little convincing (zip-lining through the canopy in Costa Rica!). If a person could be practically spontaneous, that would be me. I am fiercely loyal to my friends. Integrity, honesty, and compassion are some of the qualities I try to foster in myself and value highly in others.
Seeking: Compassionate, kind, loyal, honest, active, confident, and goofy but serious when the moment calls for it. Romantic and passionate without being cheesy or creepy. Genuine. Close with your family. You may not have a huge group of friends but the friends you have know you very well. You are comfortable meeting new people or spending time with my friends. You love being outside and trying new things. You might not have everything you want in life yet, but you know what you're looking for and pursuing it with all your heart. You know your values and are comfortable standing up for them. Maybe you like yoga, hopefully you love to run. Companion animals are something you can't live without.
olga is a 25 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Norfolk, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I feel lonely...looking for soulfriend.
Seeking: capricorn
virginia beach
Kristy is a 37 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Average build.
Living in Falls Church, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Describe myself... INDECISIVE! haha or so I have been told, but I dunno... :) I try not to take life too seriously, there are times for serious, but most times are for fun! I can laugh about the silly things that I do, and I enjoy telling people my "stories" to pass along the humor... (ie. when I answered the phone at work saying "Hi this is Kristy, Can you help me?" Instead of the traditional, can I help you) I usually have at least one amusing event a day, and that makes for some good times. Anyways, I like to hang out with my dawg when I can, he's the best, I like wine festivals, and I enjoy going to parks and occasionally hiking.
Seeking: I would like to find someone that is down to earth and likes to have fun doing the little things in life. Go out sometimes, stay home sometimes, have fun always... I would hope that this person loves dogs (especially mine!!!) & animals in general. I value honesty, loyalty, and the ability for someone to make me laugh (luckily I am easily amused) henceforth and thusly, I love my dog... just kidding, but hopefully you know what I mean!
curlyhairgal is a 31 year old, Agnostic / not religious, African Descent / Black female, 5' 2 /157cm with Full-figured build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Hi there - I am a relaxed, go with the flow type of person. I've been vegetarian for almost 2 years and vegan-ish for the past 8 months. A typical weekday in my life consists of long hours at work, cooking, some television or curling up with a good book. Lately, I've made the decision to go back to school, so I am making plans in hopes to rise to the next level. Most evenings I am in the kitchen trying a new vegan recipe. I like to cook and read cookbooks. I also enjoy watching movies (Netflix!) and a few tv shows (True Blood...anyone?). I enjoy a good conversation (and I hope you do too).
Seeking: Looking for friendship that could develop into something more. Someone who enjoys good conversation, or can do the occasional movie or dinner experience at any fun (veggie/vegan/raw- friendly) restaurant. If you like to cook and try new recipes at home--even better! If you think that's you, send me a message.
Varbina is a 58 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Slim build.
Living in Northern Virginia, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am from Bulgaria and I am an alternative medicine specialist - Iridology diagnostics, Su Jok Therapy and massage.
I like to learn new things every moment of my life. I like to travel and to learn about new cultures, historical places and natural woders. During my spare time I like to be in the outdoors - the mountains, seaside, the forest. I love music (opera, concerts, ballet, etc) and dancing.
I like tranquility, coziness and trustworthiness.
Seeking: I am looking for an intelegent, affectionate man, with sence of humor. I like confident man, who likes to travel, loves the outdoors (hiking, camping, walking....). He should like music and dancing like me.
Steve is a 27 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Slim build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm an easy-going guy who takes himself seriously when and where it counts. Currently, most of my time is consumed by my career - it is my passion. I have definite goals in life and don't mind doing what it takes to achieve them. Though, this isn't to say I don't relax and have a good time.
I enjoy quiet nights in (ordering in food and watching a movie, for example) and honestly, the relaxing nights are often my favorite. Of course, you can't go wrong with a crazy night out, either. I thoroughly enjoy a decent bar or lounge, but I'm not a big fan of night clubs.
I'm pretty open about myself, so if you have any questions about anything I may have left out, feel free to ask.
Seeking: a vegetarian (or vegan, etc) of the fairer sex to hang out with.
I'm looking for someone who is educated or can at least hold her own in a conversation. Someone who has a drive in life; something to strive for or simply find joy in doing. Even more important is a positive outlook and having a decent sense of humor.
Jessika is a 19 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Tell you later build.
Living in Dillwyn, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am me, if anyone wants to know more, please ask.
Seeking: There are no specifics.
JustLovinLife is a 31 year old, 7th Day Adventist, Mixed female, 5' 6 /168cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Pennington Gap, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Veg at home diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Im thoughtful and caring. My relationship with the Lord is very important. I definitely want children someday. I am a supportive person and love kids. I like to cuddle and just hang out at home. Love hanging out with friends and going visiting on the Sabbath! There is so much more so just ask if you want to know!!
Seeking: Someone who loves and put the Lord first in their life. Someone who definitely wants children through adoption! A best friend/life partner. I definitely want someone I can share experiences with and love doing some of the same things together. Doing God's work should be the number one priority.
vegangamer is a 25 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Farmville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and occasionally smokes.
I'm a quiet and shy individual who just recently became vegan. I love to read, watch movies and write occasionally. I like to cook and am a gamer (World of Warcraft). I have a guinea pig named Buttons.
Seeking: I would love to meet other veggie/vegans. To share cooking recipes and spend time with. To have interesting conversations and comfortable silences with.
Allison is a 25 year old, spiritual, Hispanic / Latino female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Falls Church/Newport News, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Hi! I'm a senior Social Work major at Christopher Newport University, planning to continue with a master's degree in Clinical Social Work (i.e. therapist). I adore movies (28 Days Later!), animals, and music (electro, punk, whatever). Oh I love traveling too - I spent three weeks earlier this summer in Costa Rica. Okay now because I'm lazy, other things I like: Yoga; rain, thunder, and lightning; cooking; being grammatically correct in text messages; Indian and Thai culture; walking (anywhere); attending the Green Festival in D.C. every year; staying up at night; pottery; tea; and truly believing I would be able to hold my own in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Things I am afraid of: 12+ feet deep pools and aluminum foil.
Seeking: Show me what you got.
CFC2720 is a 52 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Muscular build.
Living in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Overall good guy with a deep intellect and humble way, most of the time :)Enjoy all types of situations and feel comfortable in most.
Seeking: ahhhhhh, the ultimate question. Kind,open,accepting and likes nature.
Imani is a 64 year old, other / not disclosed, African Descent / Black female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Chesapeake, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am a peaceful fun-loving person. Growing and becoming constantly. I love music, books, and meeting new people. I believe in the creator of the universe and desire someone in my life that feels the same. The cup is always half full in my life..
Seeking: Someone that has similar qualities as mine. That loves life, and respects other people. Peaceful, fun loving and open minded. Someone who is constantly growing and unfolding. Someone that believes in the creator of the universe and practices their belief as a way of life in their daily life.
VAMatt is a 28 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Hi there, I'm a friendly and sociable vegan guy who's looking for more vegan/vegetarian friends. I'm a student, and a full time employee in the Information Technology field. I love the outdoors, hiking, cycling, pretty much anything. I love the indoors, baking, cooking, brewing. It's getting chilly outside and all I can think of is spending some time on the couch watching indie films with some girl I'm sweet on. I'm a romantic at heart, so the cold weather always does that to me. I have a lot of hobbies that I really enjoy, and I'm never bored. I just want to meet some new people specifically vegans and vegetarians. I love just sitting around and having conversations about anything and everything. I love music... a lot. Musical taste is something I put a huge emphasis on. I feel that it's a big flaw. However the music one likes, says a lot about them and their personality. I'm a pretty funny, nerdy, sociable guy. We should talk, it would be fun.
Seeking: I'm really looking to meet everyone I can. A warning, I'm almost always friends with people before I start to view them romantically. Take that as a good thing or a bad one. I typically focus on the good things about people so I'm not really particular about anything, besides music. I won't be dishonest, I definitely have a type, but I would never want to discourage anyone from contacting me. I just really enjoy the whole "Getting to know you" process. That's probably why I stick around personal sites so much. It's fun for me!
Stacy Lenore is a 39 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in A State of Grace in, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Sexy scientific writer/photographer seeking same. Or similar. Or maybe completely different. Or at least someone vaguely interesting, and breathing.
Me: Sooner or later, almost every word in the dictionary will apply. Looking for people who like to read the dictionary. And know how to read between the lines.
Seeking: Looking for friends, activity partners, love in VA or elsewhere (or intelligent conversation online); male or female; any ages; outgoing; comedic; scholarly; literary; geeky; scientific; artistic; spiritual, NOT religious; with 6 insatiable senses & a passion for life; travel to warm(er) climates is imperative; salsa dancing; martial arts; motorcycling; bicycling; swimming in the sky; entrepreneurial; driven to succeed; MUST have a healthy lifestyle (NO drugs) and be IN-SHAPE.
NOT looking for casual dates or hookups, just friends or future loves online and off for peaceful interaction, heartracing fun, daring adventures, intelligent debates. Funny writer-ish or artsy people please say hello
skygirl is a 55 year old, Christian / Protestant, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Out in the sticks, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol with dinner
and never smokes.
I am a 30 year vegetarian,3 week vegan and life-long but baby reborn Christian international flight attendant with 3 children,the youngest of which is college bound in August.That's the nutshell version.No pun intended.My children think I have socially doomed myself by going vegan,which is why I looked up this site.I am a former dancer,and choreograph for local theaters and schools.Consequently I get a little lazy about regular workouts, but would love to meet someone who would push/encourage me,a little.Although it would be nice to have a romantic relationship,I am not in a rush,since I would like to make the most of my last few months before my daughter goes away.
I love animals(obviously)and miss my goldens who passed away the past few years.I hope to adopt a new canine pal when/if the weather improves.I fly mostly Europe,SA and mideast,and although I deeply value my time at home,would love to meet/be involved with someone who shars my love of exploring the wonderful,romantic places in the world.
Seeking: I would love to meet someone who is healhy(physically and mentally)and young for their years in both of those areas.Intelligence and a good sense of humor are musts and bad temper is a dealbreaker...a kind soul who appreciates the little things in life, and would enjoy joining me in my spiritual journey and posssibly some day a really great intimate relationship.Oh,and a snowblower is a plus!!
Lisa is a 47 year old, 7th Day Adventist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 1 /155cm with Average build.
Living in midlothian, Virginia, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Almost veg diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
It is hard for me to say how I am what I can say is that God come first in my life and love is the key to my heart.
Seeking: I'm looking for someone that have God in first place in his life so I know he will look at me with his heart.
Ellie is a 36 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 0 /152cm with Slim build.
Living in Arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Shameless opportunist; professional smartass;technologically challenged;people watcher;daydreamer;always the shortest girl in the room.Extremely introverted yet unmistakably outspoken - just give me a few drinks and I'll tell you all about it.You can dress me up and take me out, but I'm a casual gal at heart - most comfortable in a good pair of jeans, a tshirt and barefeet.I'm a sucker for public service announcements, an emotional guy with a cute face, and all things caramel. Sometimes I say and do stupid things; it's something I'm actually really good at. Horrible at first impressions. Laughing and being incredibly silly, avoiding math and boredom - oh wait math is boring. Keepin it simple. I like having really interesting conversations with my cat - he's very insightful. My dog is pretty cool, too. I like cooking, eating, dancing, tattoos, being creative and Burningman. House music is where my home is.
Seeking: Flexible, open minded, liberal, non-smoker. You don't have to make a lot of money so long as you enjoy what you do and make a difference. I never discuss politics or religion and would appreciate someone who is confident in their perspective and doesn't feel the need to impose. Pet lovers are ideal. Good musical taste is important and an understanding of the underground house music scene is a plus. By understanding, I mean you get it. If you get it, you know what I mean. Adventureous and optimistic. If you have a good heart, I'll just know.
Donnangel is a 50 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Stafford, Virginia, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I have recently moved to VA from Vermont. My only daughter is in college and I closed my business to pursue other interests. I teach yoga, write health blogs and work as a personal assistant. I started a living food lifestyle over 2 years ago and eat a high raw diet. I am also a vegetarian.
Seeking: I am looking for someone to join me on this "living" path. You are not afraid of honesty and the emotions that go along with it. You are someone who can laugh at life and ask yourself..."what's next? I'm ready"
Brandy is a 37 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 2 /157cm with Large build.
Living in Richmond, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am an independent and forthright person who loves dogs. I realize that in many ways my lifestyle, which in most cases revolves around dogs, squashes my social life and romantic prospects. I am looking for someone who values their dogs and quite like myself is looking to have fun with and without them. I also love punk, good conversation (political and otherwise), and laughing so hard I almost pee myself. I could say more but my mom always said being mysterious is attractive.
Seeking: Right now I am pretty open. Though, I don't think I could be involved with anyone who is closed minded, conservative or religious.
Jennifer is a 24 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Bristow, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and is a smoker.
I am 19 years old, been a vegetarian for five. I just recently went vegan and need some healthy advice. feel free to help me out! I hate the idea of living life in slow motion so let's make things interesting!
Seeking: a person who loves animals as much as I do. someone who will respect me and my beliefs.
hello kitty is a 56 year old, Unitarian, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Average build.
Living in arlington, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am average-sized, curvy and have med. length curly hair (currently light auburn). I am an energetic ,socially active,well-traveled health care prof.I LOVE animals,and have 2 cats.I am involved in some volunteer work,and belong to a film society.I am moderately ahtletic(yoga,weight-lifting,hiking,and occasional biking). I am currently recovering from a badly broken leg (8 screws and a plate). I had the accident while touring a Moroccan marketplace!I also recently ended a relationship of approx 2 years with a man I met through Veg Soc of DC.
Seeking: I am seeking a stable,witty, and lively male,age 40-60. I prefer strict veg,but veg @ home OK. Average size pref.
Hurricane Hunter is a 46 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White male, 6' 5 /196cm with Slim build.
Living in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I like eating healthy food. I like women. I like veggies.
Seeking: Smart, kind, honest, pretty, happy, active, alive, openminded chick
bianca is a 30 year old, 7th Day Adventist, African Descent / Black female, 5' 5 /165cm with Large build.
Living in richmond, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
IM a single mom of one located in richmond,va.parents are from trinidad.i work full time as a phlebotomist and im in school tryin to be a mortician.i love listening to music and singing with my church laid back, cool to be around, sometime blunt person.just to give u a slight discription of my self, im 5'5, light skin, short bob cut(long in the front short in back),im a full figure lady. people say i have slanted eyes when i smile and ive been told that i have a nice smile.i also have all my teeth and no golds have no tats,and no ear rings.i get compliments sooo i know im not the best looking lady out there but im not busted....feel free to contact me....
Seeking: im looking for a SDA guy that is respectful to me and my son, not lazy,have patience and has a great relationship with their mom but not a mommas boy.i love to have people that knows when to joke and when to be serious.ooohhh and of course who is tryin to grow in god and willing to grow with me spiritually...i dont have a prefrence on how tall nor race/complextion.please be well groomed(take showers please)..if u missing a tooth im sure we can take u to the dentist and get u open to a lil of everything.just as long as we click and just dont hide your flaws cuz no one is perfect.
sha nay nay is a 33 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Slim build.
Living in C-ville, Virginia, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I love fine dining, wine, and going to concerts, as well as art and reading but do love to also be outdoors, whether it is tending to my garden or sunbathing by the pool. I think everyday there is something to be thankful for and hope there will be something to be excited about.
Seeking: I would like that you be fun, compassionate, and hopefully not too bad looking. Being veggie would be great because I've dated some really nice guys but they still all ate meat and inside it bothered me. I don't like to date guys who smoke so why would I date a guy with baby back rib breath?
tat1 is a 45 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Fairfax, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
How can you keep this from becoming a string of descriptions about yourself? I haven’t figured that out yet, so here is my string…
I love to laugh and smile and with my silly sense of humor, I do both often! I enjoy watching movies and reading. My Netflix queue is embarrassingly long and filled with foreign films (The Edge of Heaven), sci-fi (Blade Runner is the best!), mysteries, and dark comedies (Secretary, Dexter).
I can spend hours at the library and frequently check out more books than I could possibly read in the time period. I would love to get into DC more often and take advantage of all of the wonderful museums. I’ve recently begun Yoga and it is kicking my butt! I’m not a quitter though and I keep telling myself it will get easier. I enjoy the simple things in life and don’t take myself too seriously (goes back to the silly sense of humor). My family lives in the area and is very important to me. I am dedicated to my job and love what I do…I guess this string is long enough for now.
Seeking: I am looking for someone who is honest, intelligent and sincere. I would love to find someone who enjoys reading books and watching movies, but who also has interests of their own. I believe in finding your true partner in life – someone who really understands and appreciates you, yet is still different and can introduce you to new things in life. For me, a true partner is someone who compliments you, not someone who is identical to you. I think family and friends are paramount and a life without them would be sad and lonely indeed. I value integrity and directness and I appreciate people who can laugh at themselves while enjoying the wonderful life around them!
Jane is a 49 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Lynchburg, Virginia, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm an intelligent, honest woman looking to connect with other vegetarians. I love music of all types (I'm a former violinist), drives in the country, travel, cooking, dining out and (of course) animals. I grew up near New York city, so I love to visit big cities and absorb all the excitement, but I inevitably enjoy returning to my home. I love to laugh - laughter really is the best medicine! I'm also a very compassionate person. Hope to meet you soon!
Seeking: I would like a man who is kind, compassionate and funny. He would understand my independent nature and not feel threatened by it. He would really enjoy spending time with me and would do little things to let me know that he's thinking about me when we're apart. He would be tolerant of my beliefs and ideas, understanding that everyone has a right to his/her own opinions and beliefs. He would enjoy going out and doing things with me. He would be intelligent and would enjoy a good conversation one day and a silly, fun day the next. Most of all, he would be a good person - and I can't wait to meet him!
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41 Highland Ave., Suite #206, Highland Park NJ 08904, (732) 514-1066