Pennsylvania: PA Vegetarians singles ads. PA vegan singles ads. PA raw food singles ads.
chris is a 63 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in bucks county, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
hello out there. I have been a vegetarian all my life primarily because I can't hurt, kill, or eat animals. Health benefits are a bonus. Love, love, love to laugh out loud. My other loves are Rosie, my cat, and my work---fitness instructor for seniors. I know, I'm almost one myself - in numbers only. I feel happy and fulfilled in my life and I feel ready to include a man. WANTED...loyal, kind, gorgeous, intelligent, handy, funny guy who "gets" me and allows me to "get" him. This can only happen if we are honest and big time open with one another.
amazing,honest, true, kind, generous, intelligent, funny, handy, trustworthy, athletic, spiritual,lovely, clean, sensitive, loving, classy, joyful, thoughtful, note-writing flower-giving animal lover.
embo is a 38 year old, other / not disclosed, non-specified male, 5' 6 /168cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm a laid back musician from Central PA. I like to read, hike, camp, travel, and go to shows. Love to cook, hate to clean dishes.
Seeking: Someone with similar interests.
Marissa is a 30 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am an adventurous person & like to learn. I hike, backpack, work out, stay healthy & active, read and am an amateur baker but certainly not a cook! I watch football & enjoy being with friends. I'm not a big "brunch" person nor am I an avid shopper. I travel when possible and have a full-time job. I was raised on the East Coast and come from a good family. I'm a recently devoted full-time veg with vegan tendencies, but have been dabbling in it for years. I love Farmers Markets & try to go to at least 1 each week to get my fruits and veggies and say hi to my favorite farmers.
I'm looking for someone with a similar background as mine but also someone with various interests so I can be introduced to new experiences. Preferably someone who has been out of the country & appreciates that the USA is not the only country whose inhabitants have much to offer. Hetero-male only; he must like animals. :)
Robin is a 42 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 2 /157cm with Average build.
Living in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Petite, energetic, enthusiastic, and an independent thinker. Work as an ER nurse. Can't imagine a life without animal friends (esp. dogs). Enjoy just about any active pursuit - especially running and playing with my dogs at the park. Love movies (esp. action flicks with Charles Bronson or Steven Seagal), reading (any of the Bronte sisters plus much more), and music (very eclectic tastes ranging from ELO and ABBA to Tenacious D...but no rap!). Educated (BSEd in elementary ed and AAS in nursing) and always learning and questioning. Vegetarian since 1991, vegan since 1993 (ethically motivated).
Seeking: Vegan who shares at least some of my interests. Enthusiastic and active. Intellectually curious and an independent thinker. Left of center politically. Independent and strong (emotionally). Able to be silly and places a high priority on having fun. Free from belief in the supernatural.
Sheri is a 55 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Devon, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Macrobiotic diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a guidance counselor with summers off and love to travel. I have studied macrobiotic cooking for 20 years and presently work on a few TV shows in my spare time. I enjoy all types of sports: downhill skiing, tennis, swimming , hiking, swimming and bicycling. I am also extremely social in the Philadelphia area and enjoy going to black tie and tailgating events.
A non-smoker. Someone who is very intellegent, successful and independent. He cares about his diet and exercise routine and is easy going. Also has a nice sense of humor!
Christina is a 61 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Slim build.
Living in Mountain Top, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am vegetarian for twenty years and a vegan for two. I am passionate about conservation of the environment and the ethical treatment of animals, their right to humane treatment, by us, human beings; we certainly are "equipped" to do so.
I like to philosophize, ponder, and muse. That is why I now consider myself an agnostic. It seems to me that religions cannot prove the existence of God, (especially, that He is an older man with a long, white beard) and atheists cannot disprove it. (I was raised a Catholic.)
I am in good physical health and I contribute it to my diet. My blood relatives take painkillers, too many, too often, but, in their eyes, I'm the odd one. I exercise (walking, weights, yoga).
I don't push my lifestyle on anyone, but I'm often met with its opposition. I would like to meet someone of similar beliefs so I would not need constantly justify my position on this issue. I need a friend.
What about you?
I would like to know someone compatible. I valu honesty, dependability, responsibility, and loyalty. I strongly dislike pretense.
I think, the multiple choices under the heading "I'm looking for" are listed in an inconsequent order. I feel it should read: Activity partner/friendship, (casual) dates, serious relationship/marriage. After all, what is serious relationship or marriage without friendship?
Philonia is a 52 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 4' 11 /150cm with Petite build.
Living in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am passionate about making a difference in peoples lives. Maybe not in a traditional way but I feel if I can contribute to others and they can come away from that feeling good or learning something then it makes me feel good. A deep satisfaction. I express this in my job and personal life...
I hate labels and believe in individuality. That being said, I am vegan and prefer a fairly simple way of life. No TV although I will catch up on a few shows I like via computer.
I like to travel. Visiting friends or making new ones. Exploring new areas and seeing new things.
Seeking: I am seeking someone who first is single and emotionally available. I enjoy a good sense of humor and someone who is able to be present to life with passion and fire about who they are. Their lifestyle and job reflect that and what they do contributes to their well being or the well being of others. Able to express themselves. Open and honest. Interested in living their highest purpose.
Scott is a 54 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Average build.
Living in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
My interests include music composition, guitar, bass viol, violin, viola, web site design, nature, history, art, old buildings. I enjoy conversation, creative people, natural places, computers, informational books, foreign movies, various edibles from Mexican, Indian, Chinese and Italian to soyburgers and seaweed, different types of music from 20th Century Art Music, Romantic Period, Classical, Baroque and Mediæval to different kinds of Jazz, Fiddle, World: Indian, Native American, Chinese, etc. and a little Rockabilly. If interested, send me a message. I'm looking for a compatible lady to get to know, etc..
Seeking: I am attracted to compassionate, creative, conversive, cooperative, honest, warm, average people. Having some of the interests that I have is a definite plus. Someone not ultra-conservative or ultra-liberal... capable of thinking on their own... with a bit of comic wittiness here and there to provoke some smiles and laughs...
VegGrl is a 33 year old, Catholic, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I have been seperated since August 2010 and at the tail end of the divorce. I have a 3 year old daughter as well. I am a coastal biologist and love to spend my free time at the beach. I am certified to scuba dive and last dove in Honduras, but it's been awhile. I also like watching movies, reading, hiking, and bird-watching.
I would be looking for someone mature, responsible, driven, with a solid career and who's passionate about their work, someone in the natural resource field would be a bonus. Balance is very important as well! Someone who can have fun and make me laugh is always good:)I wouldn't mind a little romance either;) Trust/Honesty is extremely important to me.
mellowfellow is a 43 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in NEPennsylvania near NYC, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and occasionally smokes.
First of all, I want to say I am originally from the NJ/NYC area and so I don't have a problem coming there to meet or even someday moving that way again. Just wanted to make that clear for those who might dismiss me as not "local" enough...
I think that I would perhaps describe myself as a sensualist. Musicromanceloveaffectionsextastyfoodcomfyfurniture. Those are things I like.
I spend a very large part of my free time collecting and listening to popular, rock, jazz and other music from the forties (well, some from before then, too) through the nineties and then a bit of the present day. I don't know what my life would be and have been without for my love of music. It powerfully effects and connects to my senses.
...I am an ethical veg, even though I am too lazy to be all-vegan all on my lonesome. But I'd never ever eat a bird(or cow or human). And I think being vegan is good...And I can certainly stick with vegan if there's a good vegan cook present (...mmYou?).
...Newswise I frankly don't want to hear about most of what happens as it usually just roils me and I actually prefer to try to enjoy life a bit in spite of how bad it may be in some respects, but I do identify as very left.
My sense of humor is in the direction of Woody Allen, South Park, the Simpsons, MST3K, Monty Python.
It is not PC, and is sometimes ascerbic or dark.
I walk ten miles a day and love tennis, But I'm equally good with chilling at home (And ever the more so with good company)
"I want to walk in the open wind... I want to talk like lovers do... Want to dive into your ocean... Is it raining with you?"
...I think that's very beautiful.
These are a few of Julie Andrews' Favorite things (OK--actually my favorite things, not Julie's):
Birds, especially Penguins(I don't eat birds!!!)
Taking walks together
Eating tasty veg food (basta pasta but also indian,chinese,mexican,middle-eastern are among favorite cuisines)(and chocolate, of course)
Playing Scrabble with the objective of making as many funny words as possible (or as many obscene words as possible for the more-skilled sensual player)
Making fun of movies and TV MST3K-style
Dogs (cats are OK, too)
Really being in love with someone who feels mutually
Betty Boop (you need not look like her)
Listening to music (singing sometimes if by myself)(rock and jazz--A LOT
of different artists and genres)
Sweet...knows how to love...
Affectionate...knows how to touch...
Someone who likes sharing time with me and vice versa. Maybe that sounds too simple, but it seems so essential...If being together is so very unimportant one cannot find the time than what indeed is the point of the relationship...
I would like someone to dance with (No, I don't know anything about dancing and No, you wouldn't need to know anything about it either:)...
I want to think I am otherwise open-minded about the potential different attributes of a partner for myself--love can make many differences seem inconsequential--but it is difficult for me to imagine someone for me who is not warm, sensuous, loving...
A partner who I effect positively and vice versa...
We want to be with one another--to share things both through communication as well as by sharing existence itself--because that togetherness makes those things better. Our togetherness makes us each less alone in the face of the existential loneliness that we all experience...
...Dammit, I want someone to shoot at the walls of heartache with! (because heart to heart you'll win;)
David is a 53 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Slim build.
Living in Spring House, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Love people and animals (not necessarily in that order), music (oh, to be reborn as an Irish fiddler), art (raised with an eye for Andrew Wyeth), laughter (social and medicinal), running (meditation in motion), walking (to see, and for holding hands), family (equilibrium with an attitude), conversation (in search of someone), reading (learning and entering), hands (creating). My spiritual orientation: earth centered; though not a practicing Buddhist, I am mindful of the ethical precepts. For fun: attend a dance performance (big fan),concert (broad range, eclectic), poetry reading, time with friends and family, good conversation, writing, painting, sculpting. Some favorites: Natalia Zukerman singing, Fred Astaire dancing and singing, writing of Marvin Bram, Pat Wictor singing, writing of Jean Liedloff, music of David Amram, "Pane e tulipani" and "The King of Hearts" (films), apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, my adult children. (We share our hugs, opinions, disagreements and laughs.)
Seeking: Someone who is open-minded, compassionate, honest, easygoing and easy to talk with, appreciates intimate (in the broadest sense) relationships, loves animals and might enjoy a spontaneous moment of slow dancing on a street corner at midnight. Interested in someone who understands this - making love is a way of getting high, perhaps ultimately the only way. we make love when we walk down the street and smile at an old person; we make love when we pet an animal. in all of our daily interrelating with beings and with things, we either create more love or break down the love that exists.
Kelly is a 30 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 0 /152cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Levittown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a 27-year-old who, when not engaged as a teacher, loves to have deep, intellectual conversations over coffee, enjoys indulging herself in being a news junkie, loves to read a variety of books (and yes- discuss them), likes to cook/entertain, likes to eat out at restaurants, likes to try local breweries, gets excited about analyzing movies, enjoys outdoor sports (kayaking, white-water-rafting, hiking, skiing), dreams of traveling, and loves spontaneous weekends!
Seeking: I am looking for someone who loves without fear, lives honestly, lives consciously and puts human beings before anything material.
Bill is a 51 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White male, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm relatively new to veganism, and do slip and slide from time to time, but am convinced that it's best for me and for the animals. :) I'm recently divorced and seeking a best friend/lover. I like taking walks, going to the shore, traveling, movies, trying new things, cuddling at home, deep conversations, going to sporting events and concerts, and more.
I'm seeking an open minded, fair, and attractive woman who will be my best friend, share her thoughts, seek mine, offer opinions thoughtfully and with care, and will nurture a healthy relationship. I'm also seeking a woman that will share many activities with me and not be selfish. It's my hope that we will grow together and offer each other the support that will help us both succeed in life and with each other. I seek a partnership in friendship, love and life. I am not planning to just jump in and I can be comfortable with just companionship and dating, although I suspect that in the back of my mind and deep in my heart, I'd eventually want to find someone for something more substantial.
Timothy is a 19 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Average build.
Living in Lemoyne, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Hello, my name is Tim and I've been a Vegetarian for about 6 years and I've recently gone almost completely vegan.
Seeking: I'm looking for some Vegetarian/Vegan friends, because at the moment I'm the only vegetarian I know.
woodstone is a 58 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Slim build.
Living in Havertown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
CONFIDENTIAL DOSSIER: Subject has a history of associations with animal rights and environmental activists. An avowed vegetarian who questions authority, subject is known to distribute quantities of subversive literature, both esoteric and political in nature. Substantial lacunae exist in his medical history. A sub-optimal level of conspicuous consumption makes his whereabouts and habits difficult to trace. Subject displays evasive mastery in Kriegspiel Chess and has been surveilled at numerous Philadelphia area tennis courts and ice-skating facilities. A youthful manner and appearance belie his chronological age. Subject has made claims for rejuvenation regimens untested and unapproved by both AMA and FDA. Known associates include writers, artists, poets and other potentially dangerous elements of society. Subject occasionally seeks liaison with free-spirited members of the opposite sex. Failure to apprehend this person may result from a lack of timely intelligence. Please employ all necessary means at your disposal.
Seeking: a creative, caring and genuine companion to share life's many interests...someone natural looking with an enquiring mind and down-to-earth lifestyle...
Dana is a 30 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 8 /173cm with Curvy build.
Living in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
I'm witty, friendly, fairly outgoing, and mostly upbeat.
I have found that I have a different perspective on life than most people I know, and am hoping to meet someone with a similar heart.
I try to surround myself with positive people. I give everything 100%. I work hard, and think I deserve to play hard as well.
I live a busy life, with 2 jobs and responsibilities to take care of. This means I keep slightly unconventional hours, but I also have a lot of flexibility because of my bizarre schedule.
Hard-working, fun individual. Ethical vegetarian or vegan with a kind, thoughtful soul. Someone who can take a joke, and can handle being teased (even if I can dish it better than I can take it). Good conversation, good food, good movies and good music (y'know, the things life is made of).
Bruce is a 41 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White gay male, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a sincere, loving, and masculine guy looking for quality friends and ultimately a relationship. I have a variety of interests including being a vegetarian, and if you can play chess, that's a plus. I am looking for others who can accept my beliefs and differences as I embrace theirs.
I accepted my sexuality at a very early age, so I tend not to follow the stereotypes of our lifestyle. I am very secure and comfortable with myself without feeling the need to advertise anything. I believe that being gay is not an accomplishment; it's a fact of life.
I am looking for friends first and foremost and believe in taking things very slowly. Things I value in people: sincerity, honesty, integrity, loyalty, intelligence, humor, fidelity, kindness, romance, courtesy etc. I am very spiritual and intuitive and a Cancer for those who follow the signs.
I tend to have old-fashioned values when it comes to dating, and I am a definite romantic. I am looking for someone who thinks and acts as one-half of a partnership. If my sexual preferences matter in the initial conversations, we are probably incompatible.
When I am dating, my profiles are deactivated. You will not find me online, "looking for friends." I am faithful in thought, word, and deed. Yes, we will have separate interests and even friends, but I give and expect 100% consideration. There is a difference.
I am well educated and have worked in the Law Enforcement, Security, and Public Safety professions. I try my best not to hurt anyone or anything and enjoy the company of similar people.
Joe is a 55 year old, Christian / Protestant, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Vegetarian male, teacher, musician, organic farmer, physically fit, politically active, hard worker, spiritual, more to come...
In search of vegetarian or vegan female who takes good care of herself, our planet, and is truthful and spiritual.
Susan is a 34 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White lesbian, 5' 5 /165cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am a laid back, creative artist who is perfectly content by myself. I feel fulfiiled through my art and my appreciation of my self and my world and the choices I make, and can only enrich my life with some quality relationships. I am funny in the dryest sense of the word, and I love reading Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris, Woody Allen - and I think Steve Martin is a multi-facteted genius.
I am a painter and a closet-writer. I feel that these go hand in hand. I am a complex person but can clearly articulate feelings and motives and behaviors for the benefit of others, so in short, I "play well with others". I feel you can learn more from listening than talking, and am tolerant of other people's choices, content in knowing that it is MY own choices that make or break my happiness.
I am easily overwhelmed and need someone who is patient and understanding, and able to accept total honesty.
Seeking: I think smiling is sexy, and happiness is beuatiful. I am looking for someone who I can tolerate for more than an hour - to spend time with loosely, grabbing coffee, just being in the same space talking, discovering new shops or stores or planning day trips to go berry picking or antiquing. I am open and a little spontaneous - and I need someone who doesn't butcher the English language, verbally OR in print, and who can go tit for tat with me in terms of humor.
VeganChef is a 43 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White male, 6' 1 /185cm with Slim build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and occasionally smokes.
I am a web developer professionally, but almost a Chef - used to work in kitchens after college. I am a dreamer, yet logical, and analytical. I love to make others laugh and smile more; I can be extremely witty (Letterman, Steven Wright, Jon Stewart and George Carlin inspired). I believe that there's always another way when it comes to any kind of conflict (Kung Fu reference). I care about animal rights, the environment, want world peace, drugs are bad, guns are bad. I think that capitalism is killing democracy. Yes, I voted for Obama. I absolutely love my Prius. It is the best thing that I ever bought. I strive to do things that will reduce my impact on the environment. Do you want to help me save the planet? For Music, I love alternative, jazz, classical and most other music except for modern country.
I am looking for a girlfriend to share experiences and happiness. Hopefully, the relationship will lead to a long term relationship, but if we go on a few dates and it doesn't turn out to have potential, it wasn't meant to be. I am seeking an honest and trustworthy woman. I would never play games with your heart or mind. She should be an ethical vegan, but I would also consider strict vegetarians. Nice smiles and eyes are my weakness. Also, I really like petite. Bonus points if you sing, play piano or guitar.
Craig is a 30 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Average build.
Living in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm an open minded and easy going person. I have a passion for music as well as for the visual arts. I'm a life-long vegetarian and, naturally, I love animals. I consider myself spiritual but not religious. I enjoy traveling and take short road trips, as well as longer ventures, whenever I'm able. I like to keep my mind busy so I'm always reading, learning, or making something.
Seeking: I'm interested in meeting anyone who's genuine and sincere. Of course, like most of us, I'd love to end up in a great, emotionally-fulfilling relationship. On the other hand, some of my best friends from the area have relocated to other parts of the world, so I'm open to friendships as well. So, anyone who enjoys good conversation and a vegetarian meal is someone I'd like to meet.
Aaron is a 31 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 5' 8 /173cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Hi! I'm Aaron
I have been a vegitarian for about 8 years, but with some gaps and lapses. For the last 6 months I have been very nearly vegan and would like to permanently adopt that lifestyle. I am on this site to make veggie friends (I could really use the support and friendship of like minded people but I am somewhat new to the Philly area and havent met many) and hopefuly meet the girl of my dreams and get married :)
I like to cook, run, exercise, read, hike, go to museums, road trips, learn new things, discuss ideas, and be with good people.
I am looking for people who share some of my views/aspirations. I think it is important act on one's beliefs and not to rationalize away what seems right just because it is inconvient or clashes with mainstream assumptions. I also think it is important to develop an appreciation for the "little" things in life instead of living in a constant state of anticipation of something better. I am certainly very far from perfect but I strive to be as good of a person as I can and I would like to meet like minded people.
Punkbass13 is a 33 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Delaware County / Philladelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am an active participant in life. My interests involve travel, meeting people, and learning new things. I love going to cities that are new to me, concerts, museums, and trying unusual activities. There are so many great things in the world that I want to try, see, and experience for myself. I am always looking for inspiration of various sorts and creativity is key in everything I do.
People that know me would also say that I live for music and that is very true. I play bass guitar and study music theory. Composing music and then performing for others is one of my biggest passions.
Some of the many things I enjoy are:
Animals, Art, Body modification, Camping, Dancing especially salsa dancing, Exercising, Halloween, Love and Loving, Nature, Outdoors, People watching, Photography, Questioning things, Road trips, Romance, Rope play, Shopping, Scuba diving, Uncontrollable smiles
I am living and experiencing life with zest! Working on my passions and achieving the goals I set.
Seeking: Ambitious people who know what they want and go after it. Those who do not make excuses for their short-comings or blame their personal struggles for their lack of character. Those who are honest to themselves and others. Those who are courageous enough to admit when they are wrong. People who aren't limited by today's society. Those that can make the simplest things in life fun like doing laundry or grocery shopping. I do know that I tend to be attracted to passionate people, curious people. The ones that question and attempt to grow and learn every day. Someone who will bring their own unique way of looking at life and challenge me to broaden my horizons.
LoveWorldPeace is a 42 year old, spiritual, Hispanic / Latino male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in Levittown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Loyal,Honest,loving, respectful, Sensitive,extremely health oriented, Caring, Humorous,Creative,Intuitive, Generous, attentive, sexually loving, Communicative,Imaginative,Social, truthful, extremely young looking for my age, no drugs at all.I am very passionate about healing others.I have focused on learning about healing cancer and other degenerative diseases via nutrition and detoxification using as a basis the work of Dr. Max Gerson..I feel it is a great idea to pay attention to the following quotes: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" Albert Einstein."To my mind,the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being.I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body" Mahatma Gandhi. "I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race,in its gradual improvement,to leave off eating animals,as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other"Henry David Thoreau,Walden,1854
Seeking: Looking for friendship in general. Also a Special Lady to be in a relationship that is Loving,happy, fun, permanent,healthy,prosperous, caring,fulfilling, fruitful,kind, respectful, very sexually loving and extremely loyal. So I am interested in meeting someone happy, Loving, Loyal, fun, caring, strongly health oriented Libra/Gemini Lady that I can share the rest of my healthy prosperous fun life with. According to what I have read Libra/Gemini seems to have the most successful loving relationship with an Aquarius. Libra/Gemini are matches made in heaven,for an Aquarius.Please Message me with your full contact information to be able to respond directly to you, cell or email. Thank you.
Gail is a 50 year old, 7th Day Adventist, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am a blue eyed blonde who loves this beautiful world that our Lord has created for us to enjoy. I have helped out in the past in my church with path finders. I have shown dogs and horses and love to go to the ocean. I like to visit different places in the United States. I have an easy going personality; and I take life a little to seriously sometimes. I do my best to follow the steps that our Lord wants us all to follow but I do fall short sometimes.
Seeking: I am looking for a guy who will love me for who I am and not what they think I should be. Someone who enjoys life and a little work once in a while. I would like someone to open the doors for me and continue even after any type of commitment. This may be hard at first to do as I am independent. He will need to have the patience of a "saint" and someone I will be able to respect, love and cherrish for the time we have left together on this earth.
Mekman is a 32 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White male, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Creative, literary type actively working on fiction and art projects, as well as doing prospect research work for the Penn fundraising department. Introverted, but not shy; ambitious, but not in a material sense. Raised in Bucks County, PA and now live in Center City.
Much of my life is devoted to art, with my tastes tending toward the classics (but with many exceptions). I like to travel, especially to cities, and over the past few months have visited Manhattan, Brooklyn, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There is a strong strain of romanticism in me, but not the Hallmark kind.
I appreciate quieter activities and dislike loud bars & clubs, but I also have a zest for new experiences and the capacity to enjoy things that I never imagined I would, such as swimming in the Wissahickon. I am not an athlete, but do exercise regularly (but in truth would rather be browsing in a bookstore or reading in a café); and while not outdoorsy in the way of liking camping or kayaking, I do like to take long city walks and always enjoy visiting an ocean.
What else? To get a bit specific, it’s a given that I’m an avid reader and spend my fair share of time in libraries and (used) bookshops, but I also very much like backgammon, espresso snobbery, drumming, long train rides, art museums, and post-rock music. Ah, and balconies. Especially balconies.
Dating is about finding and forming an intimate connection of playful rapport, practical partnership, deep friendship and esoteric tenderness. It s not like buying a car and picking options: some common interests are important, but I’m looking for a complement, not a clone; and sometimes I have the most fun with people quite unlike me.
Lasting compatibility is much more than liking the same TV shows and movies, and while looks & physical chemistry are important, in the long run they’re not what make for strong, mutually nurturing relationships. It would be lovely to find someone who cares enough about art to get into a (friendly) debate over it; someone who recycles always; someone who finds uncommon delight in common things; someone who knows that “intelligence” is far more complex and nuanced than a degree or a job; someone who is reliable and actively considerate (and expects that of others); someone who is nostalgic, quirky and contemplative or at least is OK with those qualities in their partner!
In short, I would hope to find – or they to find me - someone that has serious ambitions and is willing to work and sacrifice in order to achieve them. Someone who will challenge me and push me to fulfill my potential, and who wants me to do the same for her.
Dale is a 63 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in State College, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a practical romantic - spiritual, independent, loyal, passionate and compassionate and recently happily retired. By this age we've all done things we're proud of and happy for and also done a couple of potential re-do's but all in all I am content but would not mind another grand adventure. Homesteading, geting off the grid in a small but nice universal ranch to "age in place" and garden, can, and cook healthy, organic vegetarian dishes from scratch while listening or dancing to Van Morrison sounds good to me. Maybe take a break from the everyday by traveling to El Panenque or Machu Pichu or even to see the pyramids or to India and Tibet...maybe even see the Dahli Lama (he is one special person and I'd like to have some of what he's got). And as incongruous as it seems...I like to play pinochle, watch good (typically independent) films; play with my cats and be lazy at the beach. Lots more. Like to find out?
Kindness, especially to those less able, goes a long way with me. Spirituality and humility are musts. I am looking for someone who is honest, healthy and who gets me. Having some fun while trying to support each other's spiritual, environment and politically progressive paths would be great.
Michelle is a 32 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Curvy build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Hi there! I'm currently a freelance writer/photographer. I love spending time with my family and friends. In my free time I have lots of varied interests: watching TV and movies, traveling (I've been to Alaska, Argentina, Chile, Antarctica, Iceland and Greenland); just got back from the Caribbean in January), eating out, shooting some pool, going to festivals and museums, going to Phillies games, bowling, mini-golf, walking around local parks, swimming and taking day trips in the area. I love animals and have been a vegetarian/borderline vegan (I still eat some dairy products, but slowly giving them up) since I was 14. I enjoy learning about new things whenever possible and love seeing the natural beauty in this world through travel. All that seems to be missing from my life is someone to share things with. Is that you?
Seeking: Looking to meet an intelligent, kind and caring vegetarian/vegan who doesn't smoke, with strong family values.
Stillness is a 50 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Muscular build.
Living in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Serious seeker, seeks similar. Closest to Buddhist, but with heavy Gurdjieffian influence, also a musician and martial artist. Considered attractive and intelligent. Not mainstream, but can still swim in the mainstream as needed. Most interested in developing my "inner" life, but believe in using the body we've been given. Always seeking to test and surpass my own limits.
Seeking: My wish is to find a vegetarian partner to share the evolutionary journey. PLEASE, PLEASE no crystal huggers, spiritual healers, intuitives, etc. I am seeking those who believe that a true spiritual practice requires effort, and that real change comes with a peeling away of the layers of personality. Anyone who meditates daily should definitely be in contact. Please be physically active and willing to use your body to the full capacity for which it was constructed.
Norm is a 61 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Slim build.
Living in Northwestern, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Ovo-lacto trying to use more soy. Auto technician with Sociology degree. Bicycling on paved trails one of my most favorite things. As is listening to music. Folk, rock, some new stuff, some new age. I am close to family(my mother lives nearby).Like to read. Like summer better than winter. Have done some kayaking and own a kayak. Like to go for short walks in the woods and drives in the country too. Not radical about my vegetarian beliefs but have been one for a long time. Grew up Methodist and have had an interest in Buddhism and Taoism. Meditate once in awhile. Eclectic in that regard I guess. Would like a partner to bicycle ride with, listen to music with, cook with, visit family with, maybe meditate with,etc. Let me know if you are interested. Everyone seems so far away but maybe that can be addressed. Bye!
Seeking: Looking for a communicator and supporter, somone who likes to show affection. Somone who is gentle, loving. Somone willing to share. Looking for someone who has an interest in some of the above.
ARvegan is a 59 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in State College, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Hi. I'm a vegan AR activist and artist. I've just written and illustrated my first children's book whose message is that chaining dogs is a bad thing. My two most dominant personality traits are compassion and sense of humor. I love hiking, traveling to far off places, playing acoustic guitar and being with my vegan friends.
Seeking: I am looking for an intelligent, attractive, and compassionate woman for a dating relationship, one which ideally will have the essence of a great romance novel, sans the drama and heartbreak. First there must be some physical attraction, a nice smile is a real plus. A good sense of humor is mandatory. I require someone who can understand and appreciate mine. Secondly, compassion and communication are really important to me. I prefer a woman who is into the outdoors, nature and who knows how to communicate really well.
Kufu is a 34 year old, other / not disclosed, African Descent / Black male, 5' 11 /180cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Hi I am an energetic young, ambitious man . I enjoy reding and creating art. I have always been a vegetarian and I would like to meet other vegetarians. For leizure, I enjoy taking long walks with friends. I currently teach young children that have speech delays. I enjoy doing this because it is rewarding to see children learn and improve.
Seeking: I am in search of a woman that I can build a productive trusting relationship with. We will have similar views and interests. This will help to insure that we will enjoy each others energy and that we can't wait to be around each other. People in a relationship should not only be partners but can also be best friends. I will be supportive of my partners ideas and experiences. And I am always caring and respectful to all people that I encounter.
imadogfan is a 47 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White gay male, 5' 6 /168cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in malvern, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Loner soul here and used to doing things solo. However, my contentment in that has waned in recent years, I guess i d just like a special guy in my life. I know i don t want to live alone the rest of my life. I ve dealt with anxiety, depression, the difficulties of fitting into the gay community. We ve all had our struggles, right? I just want to be transparent upfront about it. I refuse to get caught up in the jadedness and disillusionment that can creep in. I think i ll always want some sense of solitude..."alone time", if you will. An intimate, committed relationship i think can actually benefit and prosper from that approach. So, i m not a clingy guy who will invade your space. I m looking for similar in that respect. Buddhism has had a very profound effect on my life recently. The book, BUDDHA MIND, BUDDHA BODY literally changed my life. Buddhist philosophy has quickly become the foundation of my life, including my relationships. So, that s how i roll. LOL I hope to hear from you. Carpe diem.
Seeking: I am looking for a guy that lives his life in a similar approach to my own. Buddhism is not required , but an open mind to it definitely is. Buddhism is a huge part of my life. It always will be. That much, i am sure of. Living your life holistically in thought and purpose. Fun, health conscious, sexually adventurous yet smart about it. Romantic, passionate...a guy who accepts me as i introverted, introspective guy who feels things deep and thinks the same way. A guy who ultimately is a compliment to who i am, as i want to be for him.
karen2543 is a 57 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Lacaster, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
5'5" slender gal looking for someone to spend weekends with. Must love animals and pets.
Seeking: Seeking an intelligent, slender guy that is at least vegetarian.
Megan is a 33 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children at home, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
What you see is what you get. I'm a girl who likes to keep it real. I'm passionate about making a difference in the world, no matter how small. I enjoy helping other people and making a personal connection. I believe in self-improvement, whether it be in terms of health and fitness or through education. I'm a lady with intelligence, dignity and class. I love to laugh and enjoy the lighter, zany side of life. Sweet and sassy, self-confident and sexy, I'm not afraid to take a chance at love. Are you?
I'm looking for a handsome, respectful gentleman who has a sense of humor and is someone who doesn't take himself too seriously. Except for health, that is! My ideal man is physical as well as cerebral. I have a twelve-year-old son who is the love of my life. I'm looking for somebody special. Kindness and manners are essential.
Couchman is a 28 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and occasionally smokes.
Auction marketing specialist, former forest firefighter, .706 average softball hitter, underwear model, ski bum, adrenaline junkie. 
Preferably, an intelligent, kind, honest individual interested in like-minded activities, similiar views etc.
Jaija is a 56 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Aging gracefully baby-boomer (still wear the ole size 6 as in high school) full of verve, dry-humored spirit and appreciation of the mundane. Bright, sophisticated sans pretense. reasonably cultured dog loving kind soul. Don't make me continue with self-congratulatory adjectives. I'd much rather YOU do thr admiring.
Seeking: Deep soul with a myriad of cool personality and interesting character traits.and physical appeal.
Carol is a 52 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Macrobiotic diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Gentle Spirit. Intellectual. Love to work and play hard. Straight shooter. No games. Passionate about health and helping others. Love animals. Love to walk and cycle in the sunshine. Love the outdoors especially the beach. Love to read factual material. Love to dance! Very easy to please. Enjoy simple things in life.
Seeking: Emotionally and financially stable. Straight shooter. Intellectual. Focused on health. Independent (can take care of himself). Drug free.
Timshel is a 40 year old, Atheist, Middle Eastern male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am an urban wanderer who likes the city life but enjoys getting out into the woods whenever possible. A few labels that you can slap on me are vegan, Palestinian-American, far left pinko, beer aficionado, lover of all things on two wheels (minus the motor), bad poker player, music lover, avid reader, and I'm a mean cook.
I'm doing a few different things with my life right now. I'm an attorney, and after 12 years of working for a state appeals court, I've ventured out on my own to start a general practice. I've also owned an artisan bread bakery in the city for the last seven years and I continue to run that. I'm doing a lot of recipe development right now in hopes of opening a second location with a different concept next year.
I'm hoping to meet someone with similar interests, but who is different and smart enough to teach me some new things, as I know I still have a lot to learn. It is important that my partner has a sense of social and environmental responsibility.
I am a very easy going person who enjoys the simple things in life. I would prefer to meet someone thinks a backpacking trip can be just as much fun as a weekend in NYC.
Although I am atheist, I subscribe to a lot of Zen Buddhist philosophy. But that is it for me in terms of religion. I can't see myself getting along with someone who makes life decisions based on religous texts.
Michelle is a 30 year old, Atheist, non-specified bi-female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children at home, seeking activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I have a masters degree in social work that I have yet to use. Right now I am taking care of my first daughter, born May 2007, full time. I am really excited about raising a little vegan! I am married to someone I met on veggiedate. I <3 vegetarians and would like to meet more. I really like cooking for people. I cooked in a vegan resaurant for six years and I really value that experience. Animals are great. I have two best animal friends, Butch (lives with my mom)and Christine (lives with me).
Seeking: I am generally looking for nice people to talk to and/or hang out with. Weird sense of humor = good. Look up my husband's profile (number 13724)... maybe you will want to be his friend too.
Affectionnut is a 60 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'd love to meet a wonderful woman and simply have healthy and loving times together! Let's leave behind the baggage and drama. I'm enjoying life and I want to be with a woman who is also.
I am can't-tell-a-lie honest, never-hurt-a-fly gentle, and always-with-you affectionate. I am always attracted to creativity -- and I don't mean just art. To me, real creativity is finding new solutions for what life presents -- instead of swallowing the old ways of doing things.
I'm creating a series of short animated movies about the magic of feeling life. This series has grown -- 18 movies (under 5 minutes each), television broadcast, a website, and a page on Facebook. They will show you a lot about me, where I come from, and where I'm going. Please write for the website address.
I'm mildly disabled and use a cane sometimes, but in good shape - I take long walks or go to the gym every day. I do not drive ... since an accident caused by a DUI driver many years ago. (Nope, the drunk guy wasn't me!) I live near the train to Lansdale, Ft W, Philly. (I hope you're open to a relationship other than the traditional Man Can Do Anything!) I started life over again after that accident. I seek a woman who also feels young.
I have an extremely strict checklist for any romantic relationship. Here it is:
1. She loves me
2. I love her
Kurt is a 49 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm a sensitive, compassionate and quiet person with a passion for social justice and human rights. I've been a vegetarian for more than 15 years. I'm an activist and writer, and have worked in both human rights and animal rights. My interests include music (I play the guitar), writing, holistic health, politics, travel, spirituality, psychology and sociology. I'm committed to personal growth, have a simple lifestyle and I value deep, open and honest communication. I consider myself a very good listener. I'm a serious person but I think I have an excellent (dry) sense of humor. Things that I dislike include violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, conformity and materialism.
Seeking: I'm seeking someone who understands and appreciates the interconnectedness of all people and things . . . someone who is kind, gentle, peaceful, and compassionate and shares my passion for trying to make the world a better place . . . someone who is creative and seeking meaning and substance in their life.
Bryan is a 30 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Average build.
Living in Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am originally from Virginia. I met a wonderful girl on Veggie Date. In 2007 we had our first child and moved to Pennsylvania.
Socially I enjoy watching movies, having conversations, and playing games (sports/card/video/board). Alone I like to read and write. I usually start off quiet around new people, but when I get to know you I'll always try to make you laugh.
Seeking: I'm married to a wonderful vegan girl. We are looking for vegetarian friends. We should hang out!
Andy is a 31 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in Devon, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and occasionally smokes.
I'm a pretty laid-back guy, and have many and diverse interests. I'm always learning, growing, and discovering new things about myself and the world. I try to follow the flow of life as actively as possible, and love to see where it takes me.
I love all things Natural, and am really into experiencing the more wild parts of life whenever I can. In my free time, I like to go for a hike, a bike-ride, or even into the city or a cool coffee shop to pass the time. Camping, backpacking and skiing make for ideal getaways. I also read alot, on a wide variety of topics, and love to discuss the world and ideas people have about it.
On Thanksgiving, I committed to being vegetarian, although it's been a long time coming. I am moving in the vegan direction, as well, and am experimenting with raw foods. It all feels very good.
Seeking: I'm looking for someone real and natural, someone who is just as enamored with the natural-world as I am. It'd be great to find someone interested in eating raw food, as I'm trying to do more of that.
Bottom line: I'd like to find a partner in life, someone to share dreams and experiences with, a relationship in which we each help the other be the most we can be.
DannyRebel is a 44 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in York, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and is a smoker.
Your basic vegetarian. I enjoy eating out, riding my motorcycle, pets, long walks, and intelligent conversation. My clothing is vegan except for an abandoned leather jacket gifted to me.
Seeking: Seeking a fellow vegetarian for casual dinner dates. Vegetarianism and animal compassion are most important to me. It would be nice if you enjoy riding a motorcycle and walks but not necessary.
freespirit is a 45 year old, Buddhist, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Muscular build.
Living in Malvern, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I don't consider myself an "average" guy. I don't particularly care for sporting events, although fitness and excercise are very important to me. I am more drawn to yoga, hiking, skiing than I am to sitting around watching football on sunday. I love to go see live music but am not really into the bar scene, been there done that. I now enjoying finding new and interesting venues to see live music and love WXPN, that should tell you a little about my musical tastes. When I don't have WXPN on the radio, I'm probably listening to NPR. I consider myself a very spiritual person and that is an important part of my life. I do not have a rigid definition of what this means, as I think our spirtitual path is a very personal matter. I have been told that I am very intuitive and perceptive, which seems to throw a lot of women off balance.
Seeking: I prefer a relationship with a woman who truly knows who she is, not someone who needs a man to make her complete. I am looking for a deep, heart connection, something much deeper than physical appearances, although that is important as well. The light that shines from a radiant woman is much more beautiful than any physical characteristics.
Lez is a 63 year old, 7th Day Adventist, African Descent / Black female, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Recently retired, outgoing, healthy, & drama free. I enjoy travel, books, chess, art, museums. Trying to eat 85% raw 15% cooked. Need help to attain this balance.
Seeking: Looking for an Afro-American gentleman who knows how to treat a lady. A man who cares about his health & is healthly.
David is a 60 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Average build.
Living in Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm spiritual from head to toe, a quiet gentle soul, multitalented, multidimensional, clairvoyant, healer, vegetarian, have a sense of humour, and yes.. I manage to keep an earthly balance. I love the country, mountains, camping, bicycling, hiking, candle lit dinners, a quiet beach, evenings by a fire, new age music, some classical music and other music. I truly respect all life and believe that I am no greater or lesser than another. Have been self employed most of my life, worked hard yet my path has been one of little or no money but with greater spiritual wealth. To me life is a meditation. Everyone we meet on the path is an opportunity to learn from or assist. Being clairvoyant, I am not limited in thinking or living in one dimension and like to write about the vast unseen world that surrounds us all.
Would like to meet someone who lives a Spiritual Life with compassion towards all life forms, has the right chemistry and comes equipped with the standard stuff.. hiking boots, third eye, inner ear, toe for taping to music and a nose that twitches and makes things happen. I feel that honesty, creativity, and a sense of humour are attractive qualities in a person. Also, if you like to make pumpkin pie or share popcorn at the movies that works for me. I no longer have a beard but will grow it back if for some reason you like it.
Caroline is a 23 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children at home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Down to earth, simple 23 year old vegan of 11 years. Mother of 1. I'm on raw food kick right now, my eating habits change, but always remain vegan! I love being outside, hiking, snowboarding, sunrises and sunsets. Simple things make me happy. Love to garden, play guitar, sing, dabble in art. Currently attending school majoring in paralegal, studying enviromental and criminal law.
People who are passionate. Goal setters and goal achievers. Non-parasites. People who care about their health and the health of our planet. Animal lovers, lovers in general.
Kevin is a 32 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Average build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm really glad this site is here. I feel very strongly about animal suffering and believe that in life we should always strive to minimize suffering as much as we can. Since I signed up for this site quite some time ago I must be honest that I've slipped a bit with my diet but my thoughts and feelings are still the same and I plan on improving my habits once again.
I had some soul searching to do for awhile but now I feel I am once again at a place in my life where I'd like to start dating again. I want someone with similar ideals. Too often I've dated people who were not really compatible. I don't want to change anyone and I know no one wants to be changed. I'd like on the other hand to find someone I could learn from, grow with, become better together. This is why I am here.
Some things about me. I own a townhouse about 20 minutes outside the city but spend much of my free/social time in the city. I like being able to enjoy the city but when I'm done having a quiet place outside of it to return to.
I work at a car dealership and I DJ part time. I play mainly House music. I also intern for The Young Turks which is an online news and entertainment show. Currently I am also wrapping up the last couple classes I need for college. I have a pretty tight schedule right now but I don't mind it. I still find time to have fun.
When the weather breaks I'll look forward to getting back out on my bike. Cycling, not motorcycle to be clear. I rarely get to go kayaking but I always want to. Would be more fun if I had someone to do it with.
I'm not really sure how to wrap this up and I know I'm going to realize that I left a lot of things out but for now that's all. If you want to know more just hit me up. Talk to you soon
Someone who is kind, is concerned with more than just themselves. Can accept other's even if they don't share the same views and opinions. Someone who is able to see the beauty in the world but is not afraid of facing it's ugly truth's. Someone who can let go laugh and have fun. I could probably keep adding to this forever if I think about it long enough.
Glenn is a 57 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 3 /191cm with Average build.
Living in Lititz, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Best described as tall, dark and handsome--my mother told me so.
What people are saying: Unique, Mysterious and Different (I wonder if
that last one is good. Well, you tell me).
Seeking: Do you find this ad interesting? THEN YOU ARE THE WOMAN!!!
Tiffany is a 31 year old, Christian / other, Caucasian / White female, 5' 10 /178cm with Curvy build.
Living in New Castle, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Raw food diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am a very passionate person! The best thing about me is my amazing parents and siblings! I am so thankful for God's plans for my life and I can only imagine all that is in store for the future! I pray all of the time for my future husband and I am always praying that God would continue to make me a better person so that one day I can be a great wife and mother. I have always wanted to meet someone more organically than online....but this year is a year for change in my life so I decided to (finally) give this a shot!
A man who is God-fearing, who isn't afraid to be a leader, who is honest and sincere. Oh...and the taller the better! ;)
John is a 76 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Slim build.
Living in Akron, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Where can one find a not unattractive woman, capable of interesting conversation, a pal, companion, a play mate and lover? As I am a twin (have sister) I would love to find another twin for a replacement for my long lost childhood companion, as twins make the best friends, companions, helpmates and lovers. Non-theist, egalitarian, non-controlling, non vindictive, liberal, progressive, well read, love sharing knowledge, books, history, art, nature, love music (have eclectic tastes], outdoors, gardening, good conversation and more.
Seeking: Attractive, playful woman with good intellect; not irrevocably ruined by G.O.P. ideology, religion, bad diet, nor abusive males!
Age range 20 to 65 with similar interests, committed to lifelong learning. W/WO children. I love to share. I want to be your companion, helpmate, best friend & LOVER, not you're BOSS! Let's celabrate life together. I am much younger looking than my chronological years suggest. Perfection NOT required, but, enthusiasm
for life and learning is!
Steve is a 34 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Hey Everybody!!! I enjoy reading, writing, law, psychology, nutrition/alternative medicine, and especially really deep (depending on what kind of deep we're talking about!! LOL!!), fun, crazy and stimulating conversations. Most people consider me a very kind/caring, patient, and intelligent (and that's just the beginning!!! J/K!!) individual. I have been known for my great sense of humor once you really get to know me! Currently I am working at a car dealership as a salesperson (don't worry, I'm not like other salespeople!!!). My true passion in life however lies in Alternative Medicine (herbs/vitamins, natural and holistic therapies). My goal is to some day have my own business.
Seeking: I am looking for someone who is sweet, kind, caring, has a good sense of humor (or at least one who is willing to try!!!) but who is also capable of having an indepth discussion at times. Oh, and of course, some intelligence certainly couldn't hurt!!! That said, I'm always looking to meet some new people so I'd love to chat with anybody that wants to!! So don't wait another second. Send me a message now!!!! I love to hear from everyone!!!! :-)
Lex is a 28 year old, spiritual, Mixed female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm a pretty curious and observant individual. I love trying new things and going to new places. Everything in my life is extremely diverse... my musical interests (punk, rock, r&b, pop, classical, latin, country), my activities (working out, reading, anything adventurous), even my clothing style. I love taking the "wrong " way to get somewhere because it makes for a great adventure. I love exploring random cities and towns. I love art in all of its forms.
I suppose I'm looking to surround myself with more like-minded people. Someone that is compassionate, able to express their opinions but also able to keep an open mind of the opinions of others, not easily embarrassed, equally open to trying new things, a lover of life and dreamer of nights.
Brittany is a 22 year old, Catholic, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm a hard worker with an extreme love for life and all it's beauty.
Someone with a drive in life. Kind, passionate and with a love to travel!
Ann is a 54 year old, Christian / other, African Descent / Black female, 5' 4 /163cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am kind loving and loyal. I love fitness, arts and entertainment. Love nature and the great outdoors. Love to try new and delicious wholesome, healthy foods and enjoy reading about Alternative health, or Alternative healths updates.
Looking for someone who enjoys vegetarian foods, into their health, who take care of himself...have respect and love for the opposite sex. Someone who is kind and caring and have the same interest.
Aimee12 is a 42 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Berrysburg, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
HI! I'm currently vegetarian working on becoming vegan. I became vegetarian 14 years ago due to ethical/environmental reasons. Most of my time is spent keeping pretty busy with our local vegetarian and animal rights groups and taking care of my own animals. In my free time, I enjoy jogging, biking, working around the house, and motorcycle riding. I love to travel, especially to the beach. So far I've been to Costa Rica, Egypt, Venezuela, Dominican, Jamaica, and Bahamas....would love to find a fun travel partner!
Seeking: To start off, let me tell you what I'm not looking for.... if you are hung up on materialistic items, can't live without checking your daily sports scores, or have to hang out with the "guys" in the bar every night, I am probably not the girl for you. I like someone with a free spirit who is not tied down and doesn't mind being spontaneous. Compassion towards others, especially animals is also an important quality. I try to get involved in animal rights activities whenever possible, and I think it would be cool to meet someone who is also into that.
robert is a 48 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I am artistic, love the outdoors and love to dance. i was "raw" or mostly raw for two years, but veggie/vegan now.
Seeking: Looking for someone who is caring, compassionate, and open to the earth's possibilities.
Jon is a 58 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Muscular build.
Living in Honesdale NE PA -, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am in NE Pa,
My goal in life is to create a good life and live a good life everyday. I like to help those around me people and living things, plants, trees, gardens, animals and aliens . I have had livestock, like bunnies, chickens and goats, which roam free out here. There are endless trails, creeks and waterfalls in the backyard. I have lived in cities but my peace of mind really prefers the country life, with space, freedom, fresh air, clear water, stars at night & bright cool days.
I love learning new things.I am a self published author of a dozen books, non fiction so far - I make mistakes too Aspie Author inventor.
I would love to create a home of love with a kindred spirit. I like to write - email but a soft voice is very welcome.
Seeking: I would like to meet a lady with a sense of humor,pink or green thumb , natural, and born a female at is a modern age and some women are not. ....
My humor is often "dry". In our world humor really helps. I appreciate independence, creativity, intuition, and being spiritually open minded or curious. I can cook, juice and fix things but romantic passion requires two.
Feelings make life worth living. Thinking about love goes only so far. Being in harmony day and night is a good thing.
Send me a note or something funny or creative and I will respond.
Crista is a 27 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 2 /157cm with Average build.
Living in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
My friends bother me about not eating meat, asking "Aren't you starving", "How do you live without eating meat" and "Where do you get your protein". I do like to cook, I stole all of my mom's recipes and instead of using meat I cook it with tofu or bocca. I'm shy but can be a lot of fun once I get to know you. I'm usually not the one to go up to people and just start talking, I find it hard to start the conversation. My friends would describe me as shy, caring, and loves animals. They always tell me I do to much for them and I need to do more for myself. I also like to watch scary, funny, and some romance movies. Nothing better than cuddling on the couch and watching a good movie. Board games are fun too and just hanging out, being together is what matters most. Some of my interests are Cooking, Dining out, Painting, Listening to music, Massage, Raising children{having my own or adopting}, Museums, Volunteering, taking long walks in the forest. I love looking at all the trees and animals. I also recycle and reuse anything I can.
Seeking: I would prefer to meet a guy that is a vegan, likes animals, and wants to help the world around them and everything in it. I have never met a guy that doesn't like to eat meat. I would really like to meet some vegetarian friends. It would be cool to share stories and exchange recipes. It would also be nice to be with someone that isn't afraid to hug or kiss because I want to be in a loving relationship. I don't care about facial looks, the way we were all born is just beautiful to me. I hate when people use surgery to change the way they look. It would be wonderful to meet my soul mate on here but if all I get is some new friends, that would be great too!!!
RobbyHa is a 29 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Average build.
Living in West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Hi. My name is Rob. To some me up quickly... I am very outdoorsy. From hiking, snowboarding, camping, fires, going to games. You name it. I pretty much spend a lot of my time creating things. From most art like drawing and painting, I'm going to school for web design and have my bachelor's in animation. I am always cooking new foods, mostly vegetarian. I don't have a "normal" life. I make most of it into an adventure, and experience now thing. I like trying anything. I can be very spontaneous and I go with the flow. I really enjoy laughing and make others laugh with me... or at me works too. I can be very sarcastic and am astonished how often people fall for the stupid stuff i say. I'm a really easy going guy. So if you want to talk let me know.
Seeking: I'm looking for someone who is strong minded and goal oriented. Someone that likes to have fun with life, well traveled and loves the out doors would be a big plus.
Tim is a 32 year old, Christian / other, African Descent / Black gay male, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
New to the idea of ads, I am here primariy to gain friendship and to socially network. An African American, 5'7" with a good slim build, I'm attractive and like to maintain my health. I eat vegetarian 7 days a week which I would count as 100%. The ideal situation for me is a setting where there is exchange. A repartee sharing recipes, laughs, maybe hangout. Will certainly allow anyone interested the opportunity for conversation to do so.
I'm into meeting people who share the same lifestyle as i do. From there i hope that our common interest can be turned into true friendship.
A person who is happy, virtuous and healthy, as anyone would like to be. Someone who is vegetarian/vegan/macro in the age range 18-40. A practice, religion or sport is a plus.
Charlene is a 27 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Slim build.
Living in Trevose, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Outgoing person, looking for other veg friendly people to hang out with
Seeking: A good down to earth person person who has his life together and isnt afraid to be who he is
Billie is a 26 year old, Catholic, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 3 /160cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and occasionally smokes.
I am a senior college student who is majoring in Psychology for Business. I am a very direct person but I am also fun to be around and love trying new things.
Seeking: I am looking for someobody who is real and who is not afraid to be him/herself.
NatureGirl is a 44 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I love animals and the arts. I enjoy hiking, traveling, dancing, swimming, warm weather, and sharing yummy vegan food. I have a gentle and compassionate nature, but am passionate about living life to the fullest. I have been told that I am attractive and intelligent. I share my home with cats and bunnies.
Seeking: I am seeking a man who is energetic, intelligent, sensitive, sensual, and who has a true love of animals. I enjoy a good laugh and thoughtful conversation. I hope to find my soulmate to share life's adventures.
Erin is a 26 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Petite build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm a little kid at heart; I find beauty in ordinary things and I'm never bored. I enjoy singing (I take lessons, but you'll also find me doing karaoke!), video editing, writing, television, volunteer work, loving and loathing pop culture & social media, performing arts (dabbling in and/or just watching from afar), crafts, board games, food, shopping, animals, etc. I would love to learn how to play guitar and piano. I'm a passionate person with a big sense of humor, so, while I'm not a tremendous sports fan, with the right encouragement, I'll probably paint my face a team's colors and cheer the loudest of all! I'm open to trying new things, unless smoking, drugs, binge drinking, or cats are involved. I'm a vegan, a feminist, and I try to lead an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Ideally, I would like to find someone who values those things, as well.
Seeking: Vegan, Jewish, impossibly kind.
Joe is a 30 year old, other / not disclosed, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Average build.
Living in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am a vegan, and have been for quite a while. I like to read alot, including history, philosophy, theology, science, etc., anything stimulating. I like to write, but I haven't written a lot lately. I practice guitar a lot. I like to cook, and I would like to experiment with new types of vegan foods (i.e. homemade tempeh, kombucha/tibicos, sunbread, etc.). I like lots of different music. I have a dire need to laugh often. I like a lot of different movies, some funny, some out there, some simple. I like underground culture, but I particularly like the imagery of cyberpunk. I take an interest in politics, and have an opinion on most things. I like comfortable shoes, dark glasses, odd jewelry....I also like people with opinions, new ideas, carefree attitudes... Eh.. I like sandwiches as well. They are great.
Seeking: I am seeking another vegan who likes to talk a lot about lots of different things, including, but not limited to, philosophy, theology, politics, food, culture, fashion, music, art, architecture, cosmology, astronomy, etc. etc...
Terri is a 58 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Slim build.
Living in Newtown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I think of myself as a gentle and caring person. I've been involved in healthcare most of my life starting out as an RN and progressing to studying diet, natural foods cooking and natural healthcare, exercise, therapeutic massage, natural lifestyle, psychology, meditation, reiki for the past 25 years. I have two children that mean a great deal to me. I'm interested in reading, music, concerts, foreign and independent films, spirituality, psychology. Kindness and compassion toward all is very important to me.
Seeking: Looking to meet a kind, caring, mature individual that has similar interests. Sharing a natural lifestyle with concern for all beings and the planet.
Alan is a 47 year old, Buddhist, Asian male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Washington, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am a fun, loving caring and compassionate person. I am big about animal rights, social issues as well as environmentally conscious since this is the only home we have and we need to do the right things for ourselves as well as for our future generations. I have very big dreams and ambitions and I am in the process of making them come true. I have a lot of self confidence but yet maintaining humility is something that I strive for as well. Working out 3x a week is a must because I know as much as we do not want to put appearance on the top of the list, physical attraction is one of the very important ingredients in a successful relationship. I am 47 but do not let age fool you. I have the look and a body of a thirty-ish, a spirit of a twenty-ish but yet maintain the maturity of a forty-ish. If you are looking for someone who is honest, genuine, courageous, romantic, intelligent and passionate, contact me. We'll see what happens :)
Seeking: Looking for someone who is compassionate, intelligent, romantic, attractive and strong but yet soft and tender to share meaningful things in life.
Kat is a 44 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Slim build.
Living in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am an active passionate woman. My interests are varied and eclectic. Reader, writer, yoga teacher, equestrienne, animal lover, activist...
Seeking: Do you care about yourself and others? Are you fit? Do you take good care of your body? Are you open minded? Spiritual? Politically aware? Can you hold up your end of an intelligent conversation? Even if we disagree?
Dana is a 27 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 2 /157cm with Slim build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
My main interests are personal growth/ psychology and yoga. I will be completing my yoga instructor training this month. I am really interested in doing more Acro and Partner Yoga. My other interests include: walks in the park, reading, learning, NVC, inspirational quotes and stories, funny movies, making arts and crafts projects, and trying new sports or fitness activities. I am a Pisces on the Aquarius cusp. I'm very compassionate, thoughtful, and love to help others. I love spending time with kids and would like to teach kids yoga someday. I'm also an Idealist Counselor type. I am motivated and an achiever. The most important thing to me in life is Love. I have been feeling sad and empty without someone to give to. There is so much love in my heart and I just want to meet the man of my dreams to be able to support him and believe in him no matter what. Love is always my number one priority above all else. I love deeply and fully. I want to be able to learn and grow together, and experience life together both the joys and the sorrows. I have a need to be needed by someone. I will never be fully happy until I have someone to give my heart to who will be able to be just as committed as I am and love me back just as much.
age 27+
Ideally a Scorpio or Cancer
Compassionate, Thoughtful, Appreciative, Comforting, Protective, Gentle, Romantic, Intelligent, Passionate, Motivated, Dedicated.
Good sense of humor, can make me laugh
A good communicator
Prioritizes love above all else.
Wants to have a health business together
unbounded is a 36 year old, Janism, Indian male, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I consider myself a social scientist with a penchant to balance out different components of life's 4 domains: physical, mental, emotional & spiritual.
I'm a pseudo-intellectual -- in that I've done my share of "live & learn" & now have admitted myself into the "learn & live" phase.
Seeking: The makings of a good friendship/relationship:
1. A natural, seamless conversation that includes silence.
2. An organic conscientious personal that separate the moral from the ethical w/o pretense but w/ humility.
3. A passionate character. Unbridled capacity to generate good & goodness in others.
Molly is a 20 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 1 /155cm with Curvy build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and occasionally smokes.
I'm currently a student in Philly. I've been involved in some form of fine art for the duration of my entire life. I love all types of media: screen print, paint, digital art. I'm definitely a free spirit, no drama type of person. I attempt to stay active: I love zumba and hula hooping. I'm not fully vegan but I don't drink milk or eat eggs... but I love Fruit and Yogurt special K. I'm not too strict; I just want to live my life without boundaries.
I love cuddling, reading , cooking, and making art. On occasion, I was raised in a Jewish household but I definitely don't let my upbringing restrict my romantic choices.
Seeking: Someone who can hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes.
Someone who will hold my hand.
Someone who knows what they want.
Someone who is grounded.
Jason is a 38 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Muscular build.
Living in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and occasionally smokes.
I am a 37 year old vegan who has finally found a career path that I am passionate about. That being the case, I finally feel ready to have a serious relationship.
Seeking: I am hoping to find a nice, simple woman who is honest, caring, vegetarian or vegan.
kindheart is a 63 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in chinchilla, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
My friends say I am attractive, honest and good with a wonderful heart for animals and people. I am an independent person and thinker, and I don't follow the crowd. I am a peacemaker and I'm devoted to animal rigthts. I enjoy most music, some TV, some comedy, reading and learning, going out to dinner and seeing a movie or watching movies at home. I enjoy relaxing at home, feeding the birds and other animals, and observing them in my backyard. I feel most at peace hanging out at home.
I destest war, violence, liers, prejudice, discrimination, human and animal cruelty, and pornography. I detest people who play mind games and who lie. I like peace, tranquillity, nature and friends, working for animal causes.
I guess I am an old fashion women who is young at heart, and I look younger than my years.
Seeking: I am looking for my soulmate, best friend, who is gentle, kind,loyal,honest,committed, caring, loving, financially comfortable, an animal lover. I am willing to relocate for the right person. I would like to take things slow and get to know someone by e-mail, phone calls, etc., Having the same interests isn't as important as having the same values.
Although, money is nice to have, I am not a materialistic person, as I believe the simple things in life make you happy,i.e., love, peace of mind,nature.
jude is a 36 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White male, 5' 8 /173cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Eco-Friendly Idealist, who likes sports, and runs a 'green' store in Philadelphia.
Seeking: Friendly Realist, who likes doing active things. Doesn't own a store.
arch8angel is a 42 year old, other / not disclosed, non-specified male, 6' 2 /188cm with Muscular build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Relocating to Atlanta. Have been on a plant based diet for over 15 years. I enjoy the living foodist lifestyle both from a physical and a spiritual aspect. It's a lot of work but I really enjoy the process and other living foodist. I haven't met one negative spirit.
I would like to meet a woman that takes the time to research and take care of herself. Someone who is at least trying to steer away from the Standard American Diet (SAD). I feel like minds accomplish more together. I enjoy women who enjoy good conversation. Women who love others and love life.
Rick is a 45 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not disc, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I am retired from the Air Force and a full time Environmental Biology student. I enjoy gardening, cooking, reading, walking in the woods, etc. I am very concerned with the environment, eating healthy, and exercising. I am comfortable and happy with myself and who I am. I enjoy the simpler things and do what I can to reduce my carbon footprint.
Seeking: I am looking for someone with similar interests and values who knows who she is and what she wants out of life.
SolidAlibi is a 48 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Red Lion, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I'm a dad of a 3-year old son and two children who are in college. I'm a politically active vegetarian with compassion for animals and those less fortunate.
I look and feel much younger than my 46 years. I enjoy the outdoors: love the beach, the mountains, or just walking my dog in the woods behind my house. Family outings are important, but I also enjoy dining out and having drinks when I don't have my son.
I'm very adventurous, and enjoy excursions to remote scenic locations. My favorite outdoor activities include camping, hiking, canoeing, and white water rafting.
I love music festivals - I've been to Coachella in CA several times. and I'm going to Bonnaroo this year. Although I enjoy a variety of music, my car radio dial rarely moves from 88.7 XPN. And Radio Paradise (www.radioparadise) is often streaming through my home speakers. I've found no other internet station that has a better mix of alternative, classic rock, oldies, jazz, and electronica. My favorite band is Radiohead.
Seeking: Please love and have patience with young children!
Intelligence and wittiness are important. I would hope you can dish it out as well as take it.
You need to be in good enough shape to keep up with me.
Although I'm more left-brained, I've always been more attracted to creative, artsy, women. This is not a requirement, however.
Chaya is a 67 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Macrobiotic diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Personal growth, learning, & challenges are where I put my energies. My Jewish identity is strong; I attend a weekly Torah class and Shabbos services. I am often immersed in a Jewish Learning Institue course which is presented by Chabad.
My backgroung is Nutritional Care. I am presently participating in a year-long Macrobiotic Certification Program that will deepen my understanding & practice of macrobiotics & enable me to counsel others. My macro practice is very important to me.
I am a devoted yoga practitioner, flexible in body & mind. Yes, I am fit & attractive.
I am senstive, honest & open, kind & compassionate & loving. I experience my gratitude every day. I value highly my relationships with my family & friends. Ya know, I'm a lot of fun too!
Seeking: If the spark isn't there, it's not going to happen, as wonderful as you may be. And if it is there, please court me so that I will feel more desireable as a woman so that you will feel more desireable as a man. Without a doubt, I seek a mensch. If you don't know what that means, you're not the one for me. Emotionally & financially secure. Intelligence counts. Make me laugh without trying. A lot of laughter & play but no players please. Continue to evolve as a human being so that our love & caring for each other grow deeper over time. Communicate clearly & honestly. Be open, forthright & flexible.
Ideal man: Strong Jewish identification, macrobiotic (or open to embracing it).
Frizz is a 42 year old, Taoist, Caucasian / White bi-male, 5' 7 /170cm with Average build.
Living in West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and is a smoker.
I'm a laid back, veggie, animal lover. I've learned that all life is precious and should be treated as such. I am not able to look at things in black and white as there are too many different shades and colors. I tend to dream a lot but I'm also able to be quite grounded. Laughter brings healing and a solid belly laugh is required many times a day. I try and remain present. I love and hate and I'm learning to integrate both.
I'm looking for like minded friends, lovers and travel partners. People who can see the seriousness of the situation and still enjoy the ridiculousness of it all. Vegetarian is preferred. But, just be organic.
wishuponakate is a 30 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 8 /173cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I identify as polyamorous. This does not mean I will help you cheat on your partner, but it does mean I am open to loving and having a meaningful connection with more than one person. If this all seems scary and unfamiliar to you, that's okay... it was to me at first as well. I would love to engage in dialogue about it.
If I haven't scared you off yet, I am also a really friendly, artsy, cuddly, earth-conscious, independent, compassionate, and funny vegan. I love foreign and indie films, obscure documentaries, contra dancing, cooking, stargazing, and romance. I have a passion for camping and lighting fires (in hearts and/or in fire rings). I love to try out new recipes, enjoy dinner parties and love dating. I desire new friends, a partner-in-crime, and someone to write this profile for me. I always think I sound corny. And if you like corn, why hello there!
Seeking: I am looking to meet someone kind, romantic, with a great sense of humour, someone willing to try new things, someone who loves to travel and socialize, someone who loves affection. Also, it's important that you live relatively close to me (within an hour or so... I've done the long-distance thing, and am not interested in doing that again, unless someone is planning to move to my area soon). If you have kids, it's not a deal-breaker for me, but I also don't plan on having any of my own.
Vegegirlie is a 48 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Loving woman seeks loving man. I love ideas, words, philosophy and people who connect deeply with others. I love all kinds of experiences. I've backpacked through Europe, slept in train stations, hiked muddy trails and had picnics on my living room floor...and I've mingled with celebrities in cocktail parties, attended the opera and eaten in the finest restaurants. I love anything that delights the senses - music, art, food - I can get lost in a color, a taste, a shape, a melody or a touch. My ethics dictate my politics. I believe it's our duty to make the world a better place (reduce the suffering of people/animals and conserve our environment) and I don't care if that causes more govt or less. It's about generating more love,not generating more money. Let's build a family unit; I'd be open to your children, adopting children, having children or living an intimate life where it's just the two of us. Let’s enjoy the small moments, carry each other through the bad ones, and celebrate every achievement no matter how small.
I seek a man who has spent some time considering life's priorities. A man who cares about the feelings of others and puts others first. A man who is warm and emotionally open. A man who wants a deep connection, who loves making a woman happy, and who appreciates communication. I seek a romantic man who has gusto for the smallest things in life: a touch, a look, a sliver of sunlight, a moment of understanding, a color, a flavor, a memory... Let's help each other reach the dreams we have for ourselves and help each other enjoy this crazy ride called life.
Pensacola36 is a 37 year old, Agnostic / not religious, non-specified female, 5' 5 /165cm with Curvy build.
Living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
hey there,
i'm a 36 year old (almost), single, artsy, educated, dog person, who works as a child therapist.. i've been a vegetarian on and off for years, but only in the past year have i attempted to be vegan-like... not such an easy thing to do, it turns out, but i'm passionate about animal rights, so, in a way, it's also a no-brainer..
Seeking: it would be nice to find a guy with similar (at least vegetarian) convictions.. i haven't come across too many in life so far, but i guess there's a pretty good chance of finding one on here, no? ;) i tend to be attracted to guys in the 5'11" to 6'3" range.. which i suppose sounds waaay too specific, but hey, i know myself, what can i say.. i also tend to be attracted to clean-cut conservative types, but not always.. anyway, must love dogs.. or at least mine :) and must have a texting package, lol..
mark is a 39 year old, Catholic, Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Average build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
hi. i am mark, and i am new on here looking to meet women with like interests.
Seeking: someone who is honest, sincere, caring, easy going and likes a variety of interests.
Brian is a 34 year old, Catholic, Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Raw food diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I love stretching, exercising, running, nature walks, traveling, music, film, photography and reading and catching some football games. My mouth waters at the sight of fruit, and I love green smoothies and banana whips. I'm a raw vegan and got into this amazing, rewarding lifestyle in January 2011 after green smoothies helped me come to an epiphany in spring 2010.
I'm an easygoing person and enjoy meeting and talking to all kinds of folks. I'm always working on an art project of some kind, lately it's been photo slideshows of my travels.
Seeking: I'm seeking someone who shares a similar lifestyle and interests but also inspires me with her unique passions and dazzles me with her talents.
englit is a 37 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Raw food diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Long time vegetarian, recent convert to raw...job, house, 10 rescued animals (2 dogs, 8 cats), bibliophile, soapmaker. Sense of humor ranges from Monty Python and Father Ted to House.
Seeking: Intelligence, excellent sense of humor, the ability to laugh at yourself and others...a fellow animal lover would be fabulous!
shesalady is a 61 year old, Catholic, Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
It would be great to meet someone who is also vegetarian, although I have been for almost 35 years, in the past few years I've been dabbling with the raw food lifestyle too. I am totally into extending my life time to 104 years and am amazed at all I have to be thankful for daily. I go out dancing twice a week, I rollerblade, bike, and currently am learning to box for exercise. I live alone with family as neighbors.
Seeking: I am looking for someone who is easy on the eyes and great fun to be with. Hopefully we can allow each other to be ourselves and enjoy what we see in each other. I would love sharing interests with someone and look forward to having that person manifest themself while we're still young enough to have fun with each other.
Dani Janae is a 19 year old, other / not disclosed, Mixed bi-female, 5' 5 /165cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
I am a writer and student.
Seeking: Someone who also loves art, in any form. I would love to meet another vegan so that we can share tips and ideas, as well as start a cruelty free life together. I'd prefer to meet someone who is well educated, likes to read, and is active along with a lifestyle of healthy eating. Most importantly, I love to smile. If you can make me laugh that is a huge bonus!
sacredbalance is a 37 year old, Hindu, Indian female, 5' 2 /157cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I love to experience new things in life, and I enjoy them to the fullest. Some of my interests include Meditation, art, music, movies, travel and cooking. I run my own business which keeps me busy most of the time. My close friends are an integral part of my life and I cherish and value them.
I continue to strive to seek balance in life, and appreciate things that bring insight into my life i. e. books, conversations, and experiences. I believe that I am on an amazing journey and am looking to find someone who wants to join me on this path.
Seeking: Kindness and generosity are necessary for any relationship to last. Humor can go a long way, and ability to make the best out of any situation is a great thing to have in a relationship. I am caring and am looking for someone who values taking care of his partner - so many people seek this in relationships but are afraid to admit it. I would love to meet someone who is supportive, loving, family-oriented, and loyal. I have all these qualities to offer and more. Let the beautiful journey begin.
Betty is a 67 year old, spiritual, African Descent / Black female, 5' 4 /163cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children not home, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage.
Raw food diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
Greetings and thanks for stopping by. I am a upbeat, young at heart woman who loves life and all it has to offer in every way. I am happy with who I am and becoming and I am looking forward to in the very near future to leave the city and move somewhere where it is warm and off the grid to start living a sustainable life. I have been living the raw food lifestyle now for almost 5 years and it has allowed me to make some huge changes in my way of seeing, living, thinking, and being, just amazing. I am into having fun as well, laughing, kicking up my heels,Ilike dancing, biking, flea markets and farmers markets, other cultural functions, have a great sense of humor and can laugh at my mistakes. I have come to the conclusion that life gives us what we think about most, so I stay optimistic and positive,and live life by the Universal Laws. Communication is so important in all relationships as well as honesty. Have a Great Day! By the Way, the photos were taken August of 11, and yes I still enjoy intimacy.
Seeking: The individual that I would like to meet is someone who is Vegan, respects all life and is interested in helping others live a healthier
life by example. Race is not a factor, there is only one race and that's the Human Race on planet earth anyway as we know of(smile). Someone younger is fine, around 52 or so. Likes to exercise and take care of himself in every way possible including how he thinks of himself. Has a positive outlook on life, a sense of humor, likes to have fun and do fun things as well as work hard and does not mind helping in the garden and kitchen preparing food. Book sense can only go far, common sense is worth it's weight in gold. Knows how to get along with others.
Vegan In Flux is a 34 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
I’m a professional, but playful and young at heart.My friends say I'm chivalrous, caring and masculine, but definitely not jock-ish.I enjoy staying up relatively late, but I’m definitely not lazy; I have a full time job and own a home.I have learned to communicate well over the years and am a great conversationalist.I’m always up for adventures like road trips or visiting other countries.I enjoy wine tasting, trying new restaurants, photography, and love to go out dancing to industrial, electro, new wave,etc.I also enjoy relaxing sometimes by watching a movie, getting take-out, or sleeping in. While marriage is not a requirement for me to be happy, I would definitely consider it with the right woman.I’m sexually adventurous and feel comfortable being affectionate both in public and private, but I do not have a desire to have children.And while I don’t have any pets, I definitely love all animals.I’m opinionated, active in animal rights, and care about the planet.Science fascinates me and I love learning about new things all the time.
Seeking: Hopefully you’re vegan/vegetarian.You enjoy going out to eat and have a sweet tooth. You’re preferably a professional that is also young at heart and enjoys staying up relatively late.You’re slim/slender and an excellent communicator, you can hold your own in a good conversation, you're sexually adventurous, playful, affectionate, not overly sensitive and can take a joke as I can.You’re open to casually dating, but also interested in pursuing where a more serious relationship can go if the chemistry is right.Finally, you don’t need to have children, but love all animals; even the un-huggable ones.If what I’ve said has caught your interest then I hope you act on those feelings and contact me.
Yixing7 is a 65 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Slim build.
Living in West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I love life and love people, and I enjoy getting down and real and
letting my energy fly. I love to love and be turned on by nature and
music and art and people and to feel life deeply. Like most of us
noble savages I am stupid about some things and intelligent and
informed about other things, but the more I understand about life and
living the more compassion I feel for other humans and animals. So
for me a basic approach to life is to keep my heart and mind open.
I have an active personality so the fun for me is doing and
especially doing with others. I am very much into personal growth, and have meditated for many years. I enjoy many activities including concerts, biking, playing recorder, quitar and singing, working out, yoga and periodically a tall mug of grog. If you are open to the diversity of human life, and living(open heartand mind) and enjoy connecting and community and exploring the fun and excitement of life on all levels then please do write me. Peace and love to all, Yixing7
Seeking: If you are open to the diversity of human life and living (open heart
and mind)and enjoy connecting and community and exploring the fun and excitement of life on all levels then we probably will connect.
loveslife is a 41 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 1 /155cm with Curvy build.
Living in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
with children Sometimes living with me, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
One of my favorite sayings's not about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain.I am an animal lover.all animals great and small from elephants to ants,I know ants are insects, and everything in between!!I love nature and sunsets.mountains and oceans.
I have traveled the world and am grateful for my life! Some of my favorite things to do are as follows...reading, writing, music, travel,art, dance, and laugh!!! One of those type of girls that love to dress up for a nice dinner one eve and go hiking the next day.very versatile and spontaneous!I am a very honest person and very loyal.I love to have fun of all sorts-from playing board games with my family to people watching in Morocco.I love life and have a positive attitude.within me you'll find a sweet girl who has the wisdom of an old soul and the energy of a young punk.can you deal with hand holding and little kisses in public? I also ask if you're into spiritual talks and some stimulating conversations about the power of the mind?!!
Seeking: I am seeking a man among men who isn't afraid to say I love you in front of his friends.someone who loves animals a much as I do-so we can relate to each other.a man who works hard at his job and plays a lot when he's done for the day.someone who will carry me over mud puddles and then make mud pies together then smash them in each others faces and then kiss til we're silly.ok...maybe I went a little overboard...but one can dream, right?
I need someone fun and funny but who knows the right times to be a little serious.I do like to be spoiled a little but the rewards are great!a heart drawn in the sand means a lot to me.being thoughtful scores high points!
Jodi is a 52 year old, spiritual, Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol socially
and never smokes.
Although I am a teacher by profession, I own my own business. I grew up with a deep love and respect for animals. I have 3 cats whom I adore. Given their diverse personalities, they all manage to live in harmony. When I am able to get some spare time, I like going to charity events, blues' clubs, movies and shows - especially in New York. I also enjoy participating in various sports, particularly basketball.
Seeking: I would like to meet a gentleman.
mike is a 23 year old, spiritual, non-specified male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
never drinks alcohol
and never smokes.
Well, I'm not really sure what brought me here. I like vegan food. I like people.
I also like reading, and being outside, and falling asleep in weird places, and playing/listening to music, and optimism. I have the best job and love where I live and what direction I'm taking so far. You just have to appreciate it all as much as you can, right?
All the rest seems to go wayside.
Seeking: Someone who is as whimsical as I am. Someone who laughs at dumb jokes, and wouldn't mind taking random trips and not worry about when/how we'll get home, would also find a day off perfectly acceptable is we spent it reading in a warm coffee shop. Someone who can cook with me and clean up with me, not each person taking a separate role. Someone who wouldn't mind dancing awkwardly on a street corner. Someone who will try to make the best of the situation they're in, not get bogged down by all the "what if's."
All of this sounds really cheesy, and I don't think I've ever thought of it to this extent, but it is what it is.
Steve is a 44 year old, Agnostic / not religious, Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking activity partner.
Veggie / vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I'm not a bad guy... take a chance. Ok, that line has never worked for me (nor would I expect it to... it's more of a parody of dating sites). Instead, let's stick to facts. Fact! I'm an eligible 39 year old, never-married bachelor. Fact! I'm incredibly well-rounded (mostly in the arts, music and some dance... I wish I could paint!) and charming, so I'm fun and interesting to be with. Fact! I'm very patient and open-minded, yet analytical, so I'm a very good listener who offers constructive, positive feedback. What's the inescapable conclusion??!
Seeking: (continued from above...) I'm married? No! I have a lot of friends, but no true love... and it's time. As far as what I'm interested in, I'm looking for someone who is fit and intelligent with a warm sense of humor. Ideally, you'd be a Katherine Hepburn type: smart, sassy and sexy!
Nikki is a 20 year old, Atheist, Caucasian / White bi-female, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Spring Creek, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking casual dates OR serious relationship / marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
My name is Nikki, I'm 18, working part-time, and will be starting college in the Spring to study Dietetics. Right now I'm living at home, but will soon be leaving to rent an apartment in the city with some friends. I was vegetarian for years (since I was 15) and then, just last summer, I made the switch to veganism. I've been strictly vegan for a little over a year and have never been happier, while I have dated meat-eaters in the past I would love to have someone who shares my views. Most of my nights are spent either at home or at the mall/walmart/wherever with my friends or sitting alone reading, watching tv, or writing.
Seeking: I'm looking for someone who shares the same basic views as I do. Someone who is open-minded, fun, realistic, and a little bit crazy. I want someone who can be young and obscure as well as deep and cerebral. I need someone to balance out who I am and go forward with me in life.
Rob is a 48 year old, Jewish, Caucasian / White male, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children none, seeking serious relationship / marriage.
Vegetarian diet,
drinks alcohol infrequently
and never smokes.
I was born and raised in Philadelphia and have been a vegetarian since I was 23. I originally decided to change my diet because of my love for animals. I grew up with a Shetland Sheepdog and now have 2 living with me. They are a big part of my life. I am a math teacher in a Philadelphia public high school. My career and my students are very important to me. I also coach basketball at the school. My interests include sports, animals, going to the movies, going out to restaurants and traveling (especially road trips). As a person, I am caring, honest, loyal, generous and I have high moral values. I also enjoy making people laugh and I have a silly side to me.
Seeking: I am looking for a kind, honest, loyal, affectionate woman for a friendship which will hopefully develop into a committed relationship. It would be a plus if she shares some of my interests - especially animals and sports. I enjoy working out with a partner (running or other sports) as I think this helps build a bond. It's important to me that my partner and I participate in different activities together and are able to have fun together as well.
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41 Highland Ave., Suite #206, Highland Park NJ 08904, (732) 514-1066