Tahlequah, oklahoma vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating

is a 74 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Tahlequah, oklahoma
Vegan diet.
I have lived in Tulsa, Dallas, Houston, BA, Tulsa again, now Tenkiller Lake. Married twice, 27 yrs & 6yrs. Single since 2012. Would thoughtfully consider marriage. Children and grandchildren all in Tulsa. I do not wish to relocate.
Yes, Life is Good, would be even better shared. Finishing my LPN this year. FYI: Voted for Trump.
My diet has evolved as I experiment with what works best for energy and joints, etc. Eating intelligently slows the aging clock, balances hormones, keeps us upright .. and out of a medical facility. If you are not rolling your eyes, and still reading :-) I’d like to meet this very active, healthy man .. who also loves being outdoors and on the water.
Musical taste is varied. Love most live music, country music when boot scootin’. I describe myself as spiritual rather than religious. Love to cook .. awesome, healthy food. I prefer that you have your real teeth, because I do. I enjoy time outdoors .. getting up on a dance floor occasionally .. fresh flowers .. reading with a cup of great coffee .. merlot or fresh squeezed margarita .. live music. .. holding hands.
And here we are .. optimistically checking each other out.