
Vegetarian dating facebook page

Fairfield, iowa vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating

Michael, a  Vegan in Fairfield Michael
is a 74 year old, other / not disclosed male.
Living in Fairfield, iowa
Vegan diet.

Right now, my home is in Iowa but I also have a home in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Hard-working, devoted, giving, family first. I am looking for the same. Must be health conscious and love the outdoors. Being artistic is a plus. Being independent is a bonus.
I like projects and I love challenges. Getting lost in the woods or long hikes on a deserted beach brings out the best. Riding my bicycle for hours in the middle of nowhere is my idea of fun.
I enjoy group social events but I thrive in a one-on-one relationship. Smart women are a definite turn-on. Opinionated, thoughtful, relevant conversation is icing on the cake.
I am a lifelong vegetarian/vegan and preparing good food is a priority. I am not looking for another me. If your lifestyle and life choices are sincere and passionate then I am interested. If you have a youthful look and outlook then I am definitely interested. If you email me I will reciprocate (with pictures Included).

alexander, a  Vegetarian in Fairfield alexander
is a 67 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Fairfield, iowa
Vegetarian diet.

Eric, a  Vegan in Fairfield Eric
is a 75 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Fairfield, iowa
Vegan diet.

I am a kind, caring, considerate, compassionate, open-minded, non-judgemental spiritual being.  I value service to others over service to self, and enjoy helping people.  I do yoga and meditation daily, enjoy dancing (contra dancing, square dancing, and west coast swing),I enjoy hand drumming, bike riding, swimming, building things, being in nature.  I live in a small cabin on 14 acres of land and grow chestnuts, paw-paws, pears, apples, peaches, and cherries, God willing.  I have been practicing meditation for 46 years, been a vegetarian for 48 years, and a vegan for 18 years.  

Kamadev, a  Veggie/vegan in Fairfield Kamadev
is a 52 year old, Catholic male.
Living in Fairfield, iowa
Veggie/vegan diet.


I was born & raised in Kenya. I now reside in the US and have been for the past 15 years. I find it rather hard to box myself up, as I don't fit any typical description in any area of life. For example, one can't say I am a Catholic Christian, even though I was raised a catholic, attend mass, & had 4 years of training towards catholic priesthood. At the same time one can't say that I am Hindu, even though I practice a Hindu based meditation daily, can read & write some Sanskrit & can chant portions of vedic scripture from memory in the Sanskrit language.  One can't say that I am an Electronic Engineer or that I am a Philosopher by profession, even though I have bachelor degrees in both. I am now a vegetarian & have not knowingly tasted meat for the last 10 years but then again before that, I loved meat & even prepared my own animals from scratch. Still, one can't call me a health nut. Even though I juice-fast every year for 40 days, I also love food, & will have the occasional glass of wine or beer. 

One can't call me a language expert even though I can read & understand & converse quite a fair amount in Spanish, Italian & French, as well as being fluent in English, Kikuyu & Swahili. Nor can one call me a musician even though I love classical music, can read music, sing in a choir & have considerable music aptitude.

I am just me. I earn an average income, certainly below average for my education. I am a spiritual seeker & I am quite open minded. I have almost no worldly ambitions, only because I believe we know so little about where we came from & where we are going. I see our human lives as being born right in the middle of a marathon and most of us start running without asking, "Why are we running and where are we going?" For me the question is, "Why run when I don't know why I am running & where to? Do you?


I am not desperate to marry or get "hooked up, " even though I think I would really enjoy a committed partnership with a woman. I honestly & humbly believe I would make a very good partner.

I am definitely a friends-first kind of guy. I believe that a good friendship must be the foundation of a successful relationship, that romantic love is like ocean tide, it comes & goes & cannot be the basis of a committed relationship. If best friends fall in love & then fall out of love, they remain best friends with a firm bond that will hold them till the next tide, if & when it comes. For me, "I like you as a friend" is not only a good thing, it's a prerequisite for a relationship and 70% of the journey. To be bluntly honest, I am alarmed by how people are in such a hurry to mate! Yes I know it's fun, but first things first :-).

On being a vegetarian, I am one because I hate animals. OK, seriously then ...  I am vegetarian first for health & then for practical reasons.

serendipidevotee, a  Vegetarian in Fairfield serendipidevotee
is a 61 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Fairfield, iowa
Vegetarian diet.

I am a TM practitioner, Personal Trainer and attended MIU(MUM) 25 years ago.  I am wanting to connect with others and hopefully relocate back to Fairfield, IA...