(  last login Feb 16, 2025     ad #120113 )

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
48 years old
Caucasian / White
Agnostic / not religious
Body type:
5' 10"  (178cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (widowed)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Not sure
Income: $100,000 to $150,000
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:


I have been strictly vegetarian since 16, vegan when feasible during my 20-year marriage, and vegan continuously since (1.5 years.) I was married to a non-vegetarian.


I've been attending the two local meetup groups in Vancouver - "meatless meetup" and "vegan meetup since 2002" for about 1.5 years and I attend many of the restaurant dinners. I haven't made any friends there; most people who attend aren't vegan, and you can generally only talk to the people at your table, and most people are there for casual conversation and to eat, not to make friends.


I'm not religious at all but I would say that veganism / science most closely aligns with Ch'an Buddhism.
I really enjoy spending time outdoors surrounded by nature / wilderness.
I'm interested in possibilities and concepts.
I start projects regularly and rarely complete them.


While I admire the intelligence and sociability of non-herbivorous critters such as mustelids, suids, canids and felids, I prefer not to be friends with people who choose to harbour such animals, as I'll be obliged to physically interact with such animals at some point. I myself have two old chinchillas.


I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever gone to a bar or club. I generally don't drink alcohol as it just gives me a headache.
I'm very quiet and soft spoken; if you have hearing impairment we won't be able to communicate easily.
I am seriously against negative social pressure tactics such as humiliation, bullying, etc. I don't make fun of people or scare animals.
I see everyone as a fellow animal and will secretly classify them as one species or another based on their nature.
Although I have a playful spirit, I am not so whimsical that I'll suddenly break out in song with spontaneous freestyle.
I am aware of awkwardness, but I don't have a lot of social experience for my age, as I'm shy and don't generally try to initiate social conversation with strangers.


Exercise: bicycling, walking/hiking. I'm not a fast walker/hiker/bicyclist. I can swim.


I cook a few times per week. Simple foods like baked tempeh/potatoes, or a soup/stew, sometimes brownies/cookies. I'll experiment to try to make foods without added fat and/or with low carbs. Citrus fruit is my favorite food.


Music: I grew up listening to classical music at home. So, I like instrumental music: jazz/classical/surf, instrumental covers. I like pop music in other languages with melody such as Korean trot. I don’t mind music with words I understand but it’s not relaxing.


Current projects: I'm currently trying to get an AI voice translation model working on my computer. I also am working on IR/UV photography.


Understanding: I like to research to understand concepts. I'll read scientific journals to research the mechanisms of cells, drugs, physics, chemistry.


I’m into science fiction, anime, computer games


Employment: tech lead on a desktop support team, work for the government, will retire at 55.






I seek a monogamous long term relationship with a vegan woman ideally in the age range ~35-48. Just friends to start.


Looking for someone silly, who would do things like attempt to talk to wild animals; with an interesting sense of humour, e.g. strange, dark.


Who understands how the world works, with a good understanding of science, and has common sense.


Who is comfortable with herself and knows who she is.


Who is emotionally and financially independent (within reason) and who can survive without others but would be significantly happier to have a close friend/relationship.


Who is making a decent effort to survive in this world and know how she fits into it.


Who knows her personal boundaries and can respect the stated boundaries of others and can communicate.


Who can work together with me so we can improve our health and fitness together, through walking, perhaps bicycling/hiking/camping eventually.


Who is the quiet type.



vegan organic dark chocolate
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