Earthly Guy
(  last login Jan 3, 2025     ad #120040 )

Naples, Florida
61 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 7"  (170cm)
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Probably not
Some college
Income: tell you later
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

I believe in seeing the bright side of things and being happy for each day. I like to live a natural way and mostly eat food which has not been too processed. I enjoy being outdoors, cooking, and reading anything informative, inspiring, or educational. I stopped eating chicken beef pork when I was around 18 but ate fish so I was never a true vegetarian. Now it has been almost 10 years since I stopped eating fish much happier being vegetarian.

I live on a large property and like to grow organic vegetables and an assortment of fruit trees. Some of my favorites are small thai eggplants or sweet peppers which I cook with. I like to meditate in the mornings it brings me more in focus to what is around me. My current interests split between being outside growing food or inside composing music. I like to create quiet long playing pieces with a keyboard kind of new age like but more low key. I love a wide assortment of music and have been influenced by so much it is fun to explore what I can do myself.

I'm semi retired and work on my own time schedule. I travelled extensively through Europe when I was younger and also many different parts of this country. I like tv once in a while to watch a movie but do not follow any regular newscast or sports. I like to read online and get most my news from smaller independent run websites for an array of information. I'm very middle ground on most things and optimistic for the years ahead.


Seeking someone with a healthy outlook on life and likes the outdoors.

vegan organic dark chocolate
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