( joined Jun 2024    last login Jul 29, 2024     ad #119771 )

Kaohsiung, Taiwan
61 years old
Body type:
5' 1"  (155cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Yours are fine
Income: undisclosed
Relocation: Yes
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

Being retired at the age of sixty, I used to work in the hi-tech industry and also work as a part-time English teacher. I am getting older with wrinkles, eye bags and gray hair, not interested in wearing makeup. I wear glasses sometimes when I have to see far and work at my computer. With siblings all being married, I enjoyed my single life and hanging out with friends until I have been left alone at home for several years since my parents passed away one after the other. While I am at home, I spend most of my time cooking, reading or gardening on the balcony. I also like biking in the greenery park on my worn out “Giant” bicycle in the mild sunshine of early morning or evening as part of my exercise. Being a person enjoying nature and real life, what I am seeking here is a serious long term relationship that is nourished from a period of mutual understanding and friendship. A marriage can be considered. I do not mind relocation and what your nationality is. I have been to Singapore, Nepal, Japan, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Philippines, USA, and Mainland China due to travel, study or work. I am a Buddhist following Buddha’s teachings, but not a follower of any particular Buddhist Sangha.I adopt a respectful attitude towards other faiths and have an interest in studying the English Bible.

To improve my health, I started to have vegetarian diets at the age of twenty-seven. This was a suggestion from a member of an Indian spiritual organization. I was happy that it did work to make me stronger enough to resist the flu. I still kept eggs, milk and honey in my diet then. Not until I was fifty-six, I decided to turn my diet from vegetarian to vegan for some more reasons. One was to memorize my mother, who was a Buddhist. Also, I once saw a film depicting the killing of baby cock by chicken farmers just because they needed only the pullets to lay eggs. I was so shocked by how they killed the chicks. To supply sufficient eggs and milk to humankind, chickens and cattle are raised in a poor condition so that they are short-lived than they ought to be. It is the same situation with bees. More than 70% of the world's top 100 crops rely on bees for pollination though. Cattle milk and honey are supposed to be the food for calves and bees, not for humankind. We, humankind, have alternatives to supply ourselves with adequate food and nutrients without hurting animals. In addition, livestock agriculture contributes significantly to global carbon emission. To satisfy humankind’s unlimited desire with the benefits from fishery, overfishing has caused the decrease of fish species and hampered biodiversity. The world is changing constantly with human behavior and will also change with the change of human behavior.Hopefully, I have the chance here to get acquainted with like-minded people with whom I can share values, perspectives and life experiences and learn together.


Someone serious, mature, stable, honest, compassionate, considerate, thoughtful, enjoying real life and nature with me, caring about what is happening in the world. While I appreciate a sense of humor and healthy jokes, I do not mind talking about hard topics like politics, climate change, religion, ethnicity…etc. I dislike gossip and meaningless nonsense.I hope you are seeking the same thing with me and have a clear profile and recent photos for me to see if you write to me. I wish to meet someone that I can bare my soul to for the rest of my life and hand in hand grow older together. 

vegan organic dark chocolate
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