Unitarian Singles

Unitarian Singles for Joe, a  Vegan Joe


, 80 year old non-specified male, 5' 7 /170cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in El Monte, California, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

‘Hello - I am a retired eccentric eclectic wild man that hopes that love and connection will heal my heart from a tragic loss of my precious wife of nineteen years that was my soul mate. I cry every time I think about her. It’s coming on two years. We had it made. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Don’t look back. Let’s make something happen. One of my favorite nonviolent direct actions involved Advanced Genetic Sciences (AGS)with offices in Oakland CA. (Pause for Bill Maher. l consider myself an infomaniac. If you don’t like the news, go out and make some or your own.) AGS had created a genetically modified pseudomonus bacterium that would allow plants in the fields to grow in freezing conditions without damaging the crops.!They were approved to spray a five acre farm in Brentwood on the Sacramento River delta with this stuff that was sprayed. Earth First did a bold nonviolent direct action action of pulling all of the strawberry plants out of the ground. We decided not to take the plants away to avoid theft charges. AGS brought a flotilla of workers at o’dark thirty to plug the plants back in the ground for their photo-op. 2%of the plants lived. We got a photo-op of a worker in a fully self container moon suit doing the first legal atmospheric release of this GMO on the front page of the NY Times. Years later after I had chaired a meeting of the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) in Albany, I went to the Triple Rock Brewery in Berkeley to collate my papers and documents I received from the PhD’s on the Laboratory Analysis Committee for the report I wrote for the CCOF Board of Directors. It was Friday afternoon and as the place filled up three men approached me and asked if they could join me. “Of course” I said as I hurriedly gathered my documents. “Oh, you’re that guy from Earth First that kiboshed our Ice Minus experiment. I want you to know - We’re glad you stopped us.” Said Loren C (an Italian name I couldn’t spell or say) the UC Berkeley geneticist that created the GMO bacterium. “We were really mad at the time. The bad press you got us dried up our funding.” The simple pleasures. Love the Earth!

Unitarian Singles for Heather, a  Vegan Heather


, 49 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 10 /178cm with Curvy build.
Living in Fair Oaks, California, United States
with children Sometimes home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I love rafting on the American River.

Let's eat an organic salad.  

Unitarian Singles for Mike, a  Vegetarian Mike


, 70 year old Caucasian / White male, 6' 2 /188cm with Average build.
Living in Tucson, Arizona, United States
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

My female friends compliment my deep voice and my irreverent sense of humor. I'm intelligent, passionate when so inspired, playful, sentimental, communicative, unpretentious and friendly. My affinities for dance and music include contra, cajun, zydeco, waltz, swing, bluegrass and folk. I'm an activist for social justice and conservation, a self-employed consultant and a community college instructor. Large dogs are wonderful companions for me. Sadie and I enjoy the usual activities: going for walks, playing with tennis balls, greeting friends, taking naps, and being in the moment. We seldom squabble.

Unitarian Singles for Patricia, a Vegetarian at home Patricia


, 78 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States
with children None, seeking Activity partner.
Veg at home diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

Agnostic deist, science fiction fan, movie addict, computer literate, likes to travel, walk, learn, solve puzzles, and experience new things. Intelligent, but having more trouble with recall as I age. I have traveled to all 50 states and all 7 continents. I respond favorably to dark chocolate. Now in a small condo and my only pet is a cat robot - it only eats batteries and doesn't need a litter box. Lessons I've learned: the only thing constant in the world is change; people believe what they want to believe regardless of the evidence; don't believe everything you think; faith is believing what you know can't be true; love is a terrible thing to hate.

Unitarian Singles for Meghan, a  Vegetarian vegan Meghan


, 42 year old Caucasian / White female, 4' 11 /150cm with Curvy build.
Living in Oak Park, Illinois, United States
with children At home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.

Unitarian Singles for PositiveLife, a  Vegan PositiveLife


, 54 year old Caucasian / White lesbian, 5' 2 /157cm with Petite build.
Living in Gulfport, Florida, United States
with children At home, seeking Activity partner.
Vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

i like to be happy, healthy, networking, seeing, doing, learning, sleeping, cuddling, smiling, talking, reading on the internet, watching/listening/dancing to music.  i love to be outside, warm, at the beach, at a festival, watching a movie or the moon at night.

i  am smart, fun, nice, positive, feminine, lesbian since 16 with blonde curly hair.

very commited and loyal.  no games, easy going, trusting, loving, respectful.


Unitarian Singles for OceanGirl, a  Vegetarian vegan OceanGirl


, 79 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Average build.
Living in Oregon Coast, Oregon, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.

I am a happy, friendly, intelligent, educated, sometimes-funny woman, looking for an egalitarian relationship--a best friend and possibly lover, possibly husband, but friends most importantly.  I enjoy (and need) open communication from someone who can confidently and kindly communicate his feelings and needs as well.I'm empathetic, compassionate, an animal lover and a bleeding heart liberal.  I don't like killing things, so if you hunt and fish, we probably won't get along very well, long term.

I enjoy travelling and have the ambition of seeing most of the planet, especially the beaches, harbors, waterfronts and rivers.  I enjoy cruising on ships, as well as road trips exploring off the highways.  I have lived on the east and west coasts and grew up in an academic/military family, so we moved a lot.

I spend my free time painting, writing, and some exercise.  Lately, I've also been working on my home to create a calm, nurturing, tranquil and serene zen-like environment, free from the clutter of unnecessary things.  It is a challenge.

My hair is naturally curly and a little unpredictable and uncontrollable.  I don't fuss with it, nor wear much make-up.  I think healthy is the best look.  However, I do like to dress up for a night out or formal night on the ship.  I mostly attend the Unitarian church, but I am also exploring Buddhism as a way to live more happily.  

I'm open to meeting like spirits--healthy, warm, fun and open.  My favorite quote of late is "I am a spiritual being having a physical experience."

Unitarian Singles for madeofthemist, a  Vegan madeofthemist


, 48 year old Caucasian / White lesbian, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Central FL, Florida, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.
Hi there! nice to see so many conscious people on here! My name is Erika, I'm 32, work most of the time in visual arts, multi media, and for not for profits. I'm from Ontario but have recently relocated to Central Florida. I hope to complete my M.A in California actually so who knows. I love film, video, expressive art therapy, anthropology, books, traveling, the outdoors, and music. I would say that film/photography/video works, social movements, and music are the top three things I'm passionate about.No music to me is really, no life! But I'm also passionate about healthy living and being a vegan!! I'm a spiritual person, love attending various festivals, workshops, rituals, drum circles, etc. with a spiritual purpose. I classify myself simply as a unitarian, but to get specific I'd say I'm a Buddhist Christian Pagan (in alphabetical order not priority lol)
Unitarian Singles for TJ, a  Vegan TJ


, 70 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Enjoy animals, horseback rides, gardening, hiking, writing, nutrition, music, teaching, learning. Spiritually evolving. Independent, with readiness to connect in healthy ways (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, physically). Friendship paramount. 

Learning about nutrition is a hobby I enjoy. Vegan eating became a lifestyle in 2005 after I watched Diet For A New America by John Robbins. A plant-based diet is important for my body, emotions, conscience and soul; and contributes to caring for this abundant amazing planet we inhabit. Although I was raised in a family that served meat, I stopped eating mammals thirty years ago. How could I eat what I was? My life is wonderfully filled with animals (cat, dogs) that are companions, most from the streets originally. Most are seniors now, so I need to be even more devoted to being at home in more frequent intervals. Teaching and counseling has enriched my life for several decades. As I transition away from this work (at least, i am experimenting with that), I look forward to learning more about seeds, seed saving, native plants and preparing plant-based food with more variety. I would love to meet Vandana Shiva and enjoy her vast knowledge and wisdom. I do not drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs recreatiionally, and do not enjoy being around any of these. My hobbies are vast and creativity is at the core. 

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