Help promote VeggieDate !!!
is a "community service" project. |
a banner link to VeggieDate on your webpage
click on a banner and save as image to your disk. Html code in your
page would look something like below (replace iconname with the
name of the graphic file).
href="http://www.veggiedate.org"> <img src="images/iconname.gif"
border="0" alt="vegetarian singles, vegan singles,
rawfood singles"></a> |
120x90 .gif, 4k
468x60 .gif, 8k
120x90 .gif, 7k |
(147x60 7k jpg)
247x60 8k .jpg
(468x60 jpg)
Post our flyers!!!
MSword - html
Please add a VeggieDate
text link:
VeggieDate.org -
Vegetarian Singles, Vegan Singles, Rawfood Single